Thursday, December 19, 2019
Beast of the Southern Wild - 860 Words
The story within the film â€Å"Beast of the Southern Wild†can give the viewer a lot of knowledge of the culture they lived in and why the characters acted how they did in several scenes compared to what individuals from other cultures would have done. The film can be believed to happen in recent times, mostly based on the vehicles which people drove and the medical equipment they had in the refugee camp, possibly pre-Katrina, in a location called â€Å"The Bathtub†, but if the film was written to take place of a real location, it could be believed to be towards the coast of Louisiana. The main characters were Hushpuppy (daughter) and Wink (father). The film told a story of a young girl who was in search of her mother, but in reality it was her journey to learn to be free and along the way, find the courage to stand up for herself against her fears, with much of that influence being taught by her father, through the means of being tough to her, tough love as many woul d say He knew he wouldn’t be around much longer and was preparing her for the world once he wasn’t around to protect her. Those moments were seen such as when Wink shouted at the rain, though drunk, attempted to show Hushpuppy there was nothing to be afriad of from the rain. Many moments were also seen of Wink restricting Hushpuppy and other characters from cry, there was never any time to cry, even when she had to confront the beast face-to-face or when he was at the point of his death (Zeitlin). The film gaveShow MoreRelatedBeasts Of The Southern Wild Analysis1293 Words  | 6 PagesIn Benh Zeitlin’s movie, Beasts of the Southern Wild, a young girl named Hushpuppy lives with her father in a small community located in Montegut, Louisiana, known by the locals as ‘the Bathtub’ for its coastal erosion. The area is also isolated from the rest of the population on the other side of a levee. They are faced with periods of intense storms and flood ing, as well as long dry periods due to climate change, but their community survives together, helping and protecting each other, and livingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film Beasts Of The Southern Wild 1474 Words  | 6 Pages The film, Beasts of the Southern Wild, tell the story of a rural community called Bathtub in Southern Louisiana to induce themes of classism and community ties. Behn Zeitlin does a great job reminding us of our connection with each other and the world around us. 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