Monday, May 25, 2020
The First Atomic Bomb Exploded - 860 Words
The first atomic bomb exploded July 16, 1945. The bomb was so powerful that the heat generated by the blast was 4 times the temperature at the center of the sun, blew out windows in houses more than 200 miles away, and killed every living creature within a mile (Faragher, 721). Out of fear that the Nazi s might develop an atomic bomb, Franklin D. Roosevelt established a small nuclear research program in 1939. The president released resources to create the Manhattan Project, which was the American effort to design and build an atomic bomb (U.S. History Online Textbook). However, the Manhattan project wasn t placed under the direction of the average American citizen, but the Army Corps of Engineers. In 1942 the first chain reaction in uranium was produced by Novel Prize winner named Enrico Fermi. The following year, the government uprooted key researchers and their families, sending them to Los Alamos, New Mexico. Scientist were constantly followed by security personnel and treated like prisoners within their homes and community. As a result of this, scientists and their families formed a close-knit community with one another because of their shared need for secrecy and antagonism toward their army guardians (Faragher, 722). Sixteen million men and women left home for military service and to take advantage of wartime jobs (Faragher, 722). Roosevelt referred to this time period as a great arsenal of democracy, due to the vast recovery from the Great Depression. StatesShow MoreRelatedThe Manhattan Project1519 Words  | 7 PagesThe process of building the two atomic bombs was long and hard. The Manhattan project employed 120,000 people, and cost almost $2 billion. Although there were 120,000 Americans working on the project only a select group of scientist knew of the atom ic bomb development. Vice president Truman never knew about the development of the bombs until he became president. The axis powers did not know what was going on with the development of the atomic bomb; there was a soviet spy in the project. The sovietRead MoreThe Manhattan Project Essay545 Words  | 3 PagesThe Manhattan Project was a very important event throughout the World War II history. It began the development of the atomic bomb and other nuclear weapons that were of good help during the war. It first began with a German scientist separating the uranium atom, which made people be scared of what Hitler might be capable of. Also Hitler and his people had begun discovering new types of weapons that were useful for them in the war. Something that apparently Hitler did not quite think about, was theRead MoreThe Atomic Age869 Words  | 4 Pages but also save many lives. At this point, the atomic bomb began to be considered for the benefits it had when compared to a invasio n. As soon as Truman had approved the use of the atomic bomb, a plan had to be created. The bombings were planned years in advance, making the construction and design of the weapon possible. In 1942, after the United States’ Army had taken control of the project, it was decided that by the summer of 1945 the atomic bomb would be organized well enough for release; howeverRead MoreWhat Are the Positive and Negative Aspects of the Aromic Bomb?1520 Words  | 7 PagesThe First Only-Atomic Bomb The atomic bomb, also known as the atom bomb or fission bomb, a weapon whose explosive power originates from the fission of atomic nuclei, a reaction in which an atomic nucleus splits in two. When the nucleus of a heavy atom, such as the element uranium-235, which is what the atom bomb is made out of, is split, a certain amount of mass disappears and an equivalent amount of energy is released. This was expressed by the equation E=mc2 (energy = mass times the speed ofRead More The Manhattan Project Essay1507 Words  | 7 PagesThe Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project was the code name of the America’s attempt to construct an atomic bomb during World War II. It was named after the Manhattan Engineer District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, because a lot of it’s earlier research was done in New York City. An atomic bomb is a weapon that uses the energy from a nuclear reaction called Fission for its destruction. The idea that mass could be changed into energy was predicted by Albert Einstein in the earlierRead MoreEssay about Deciding to Drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan768 Words  | 4 Pagesdrop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata, and Nagasaki because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor without warning. This occurrence happened at the end of WWII. America, China, and the United Kingdom joined forces to gain surrender from the Japan armed forces. The alliance, also called the â€Å"Manhattan Project,†tested an atomic device, and were able to make weapons based on two alternate designs. One was a uranium gun-type atomic bomb, and the other was a plutonium implosion-type atomic bomb. The 509thRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb Of The United States1358 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å" The atom bomb was no ‘great decision.’ It was merely another powerful weapon in the arsenal of righteousness.†This quote was said by Harry S. Truman the first President who used an atomic bom b. The program that was able to create this monstrous power was known as the Manhattan Project. Creating this weapon was their main priority. The United States was in the midst of World War 2. The atomic bomb is considered to be the main factor that ended that war. It was a race against the multiple enemiesRead MoreDropping The Bombs On Hiroshima And Nagasaki1073 Words  | 5 PagesIn an attempt to frighten the Communist Soviet Russia, two unnecessary bombs were dropped on Japan. The actions of the President of the United States (U.S.) at the time, Harry Truman, to deploy a nuclear weapon on a near-surrender Japan and two populous cities were viewed as unjust and hasty by the American people. Dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not necessary. In a brief summary, World War II (WWII) was viewed as one of the bloodiest wars to date. The Japanese belief of fightingRead MoreThe United States And Japan s Involvement1687 Words  | 7 Pagescouldn’t do anything but watch as the United States dropped the world’s first atomic bomb on his hometown. Three days later, while terror was still raging in Hiroshima, the US dropped a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki. While it may seem inhumane for the US to have used such powerful weapons on Japan, the US had many reasons to use such drastic measures. The United States and Japan s involvement in WW2 led to the eventual use of atomic weapons causing a series of devastating effects that changed JapanRead MoreHiroshima, By John Hersey1496 Words  | 6 PagesJohn Hersey once said, â€Å"What has kept the world safe from the bomb since 1945 has not been deterrence, in the sense of fear of specific weapons, so much as it s been memory. The memory of what happened at Hiroshim a†. Early morning on August the 6th 1945, the United Sates dropped atomic bombs into the city of Hiroshima, Japan. The â€Å"Little Boy†bomb which was equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT, destroyed most of the city and killed about 130,000 people. There were few people who survived after this
Friday, May 15, 2020
A Conservative Response to Restorative Justice Essay
How would a conservative reply to a proposal for restorative justice? How would a restorative justice advocate respond to a conservative proposal for more prisons? Restorative justice is defined as â€Å"using humanistic, no punitive strategies to right wrongs and restore social harmony†(Siegel, 2008, p. 189). Instead of imposing harsh penalties on offenders like long prison sentences or even the death penalty, restorative justice calls for a more rehabilitative approach, such as reconciliation and offender assistance. Even though restorative justice has many supporters, it also boasts numerous opponents as well. In response to a proposal for restorative justice, conservatives largely contest the idea in favor of a more â€Å"get-tough†on†¦show more content†¦While many conservatives oppose the rehabilitative measures restorative justice offers offenders and demand more prisons and penalties, advocates for restorative justice counter this demand with research . Restorative justice advocates call for restitution rather than retribution. According to promoters for restorative justice, imposing harsh penalties on offenders and lengthening prison sentences is futile. â€Å"Critical theorists argue that the ‘old methods’ of punishment are a failure and that upwards of two-thirds of all prison inmates recidivate soon after their release†(Siegel, 2008, p. 188). While conservatives want to build more prisons and lock away more offenders for longer terms, supporters of restorative justice believe that a more rehabilitative approach is beneficial for not only the offender, but also the community. â€Å"The offender is asked to recognize that he or she caused injury to personal and social relations along with a determination and acceptance of responsibility. Only then can the offender be restored as a productive member of society†(Siegel, 2008, p. 190). Placing an offender in prison for any amount of time is shown to be harmful to the offender, their victim, and society. â€Å"Rather than reduce recidivism, harsher punishments may increase the likelihood of reoffending†(Siegel, 2008, p. 86). A conservative asking for more prisons would likely be met with a barrage of evidence explaining why restorative justice will andShow MoreRelatedRestorative Justice And The Justice System1044 Words  | 5 PagesRestorative justice has can be seen to have multiple definitions among the most used are: A) a theory of justice that focuses on repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior and B) an approach of justice that aims to satisfy the needs of the victims and offenders, as well as the entire community. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
High Education Is A Prerequisite For A Middle Class...
â€Å" Higher education is a prerequisite for a middle-class lifestyle.†So how are students suppose to attend a four-year university if all financial aid is giving them is loans? That’s the question many middle-class students are asking themselves, and a question I had to ask myself as well. Being able to afford the university of my choice was not about to come easy. Imagine a girl in her senior year of high school with the hopes of going to a four-year university. She got accepted into every university she applied for, had leadership experience, working experience, and an abundant amount of community service. She had no mind of what her class was, or what it would do in effect to her dreams of attending the university of her choice. The financial aid letter some in the mail and she thinks she may get a pell grant or any funding from her guardian being a marine veteran. No, she only received loans. That girl was me and many other students who have dealt with this predicament. It is said that people earning a middle-class income end up paying 76 percent of their income to cover their student s tuition. Student loan debt, detrimental expenses, no financial aid, and trying to attend the college of your choice do not mix well in the same stew pot together. I learned this while I was planning to attend the university of my choice a month before my hig h school graduation. What I didn’t know was in this society our ascribed statuses are what make us or break us when it comes toShow MoreRelatedDisability Rights Legislation Addresses, Barriers, And Individuals With Disabilities776 Words  | 4 Pages such as the DDA in Britain and ODA(AODA) in Canada, there still remains the discrepancy in the application of pragmatic methods being done to persons with disabilities (Cameron 2014, 21). 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A lot our men have failed their womenRead MoreProstitution Is Morally Wrong And Should Be Eradicated From Society1673 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferent style of life-work balance. From dealing with judgmental teachers to faking orgasms before the kids get home from school, it is one of the difficulties of living a double life. people seem to look at them d ifferently, just because of the lifestyle they live; wish is morally wrong. As a child, it is sad to see your mom work as a prostitute. you start to get inbarrist to be seeing with her. wondering how can she allow herself to sleep with so many men. you start to believe that she doesn tRead MoreStruggle Of Funding During The Nineteenth Century Essay1472 Words  | 6 PagesRush spoke in favor of a public education system, unfortunately it wasn’t established until the nineteenth century. Moving forward, the United States public schools funding comes from the state, the federal government, and local communities. 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Instead ,as Arthurs argues, the four women are empowered by the opportunities presented through the contemporary social structure, examining the sexual relationships and satisfaction through singlehood and independence , which is a prerequisite for the repudiation of the notion that being single and socially active is shameful (2010).Consequentially, the protagonists’ decision that it is better to be single than in an unhappy relationship (Season 2, Episode 16), manages to resonate with
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Funding of US Biomedical Research
Question: Discuss the contrast and compare the health care system of two different countries? Answer: Introdcution The variations present in the UK and US healthcare system are greatly depending upon the financial strength and political culture of individual country. The popularity of health care delivery system and financing is not only due to the worldwide necessity for healthcare, but also because of different style of care delivery systems and funding around the globe. Health care is considered as a popular topic for current and future generations, based on social and political culture. It is frequently seen that access to health care services is highlighted on news and other television programs, political promises and social group discussions. This implies that the people of the United States are coming nearer to insisting better reach to healthcare services (McCarthy, 2014). A general misconception is present among the American public that is the United Kingdom offers free health care services. In general speaking, the national health care services offer care services primarily based on the citizen taxation. The Americans consider augmented governmental involvements in the health care set up; hence, it is necessary to understand how this can be accomplished and its effect on the societies. According to Gass and Bezold (2013) information access, service quality and funding costs are the main components of health care system. The World Health Organization has stated that each and every individual should obtain care services without any economical constraint. According to the global health care service report, the UK makes the maximum spending in health care and social care services. The UK makes the maximum payment for nursing staffs, by providing work for almost 101nurses per 10,000people (Kumarasamy and Sanfilippo, 2015). The UK and the US have close cultural and historical ties, but in the context of health care, both these countries are considerably different. As they greatly differ from each other, both the countries can learn from one another to build up better sy stems and policies and thus develop health care service to their citizens. This paper will compare and contrast between the UK healthcare system and the US healthcare system. This paper will include organizational analysis, quality of individual system and funding (BBC News, 2015). The statements will be supported by proper evidence ad examples. The aim of this article is to identify the opportunities, advantages from relative strengths and correct or avoid limitations inherent in individual system. Body The UK health care system The Department of Health is said to be a government body accountable for the National Health Service in England. The objectives of The Department of Health involve overall improvement and wellbeing of the residents of England (Hollnagel, Braithwaite and Wears, 2013). This is accomplished by supporting, guiding and leading the National Health Service and the organizations associated with social care, to give high quality health services and to give options to the care consumers and importance to taxpayers. The US health care system The US health care services can be either private or either public. Public health care included a role of the government or the public. The government and public agencies offer health care in disease prevention, health promotion, reporting, communicable disease monitoring and control of the environmental factors, like: water and air quality and also public health data analysis. The UK funding An NHS care consumer when uses an NHS service, like: acute care trust, PCT etc, they use so without any cost. It is vital to note that the subsystems of NHS and associated providers obtain compensation for taking care of the NHS patients and the compensation is not obtained directly from the patients during treatment. NHS compensation is supported by general taxation. The NHS is made up of government employees, hence the provider compensation is generally in the form of bonus or salary and funding is depend on contract between the NHS and the provider (Head et al., 2014). It was estimated that there was 8.3% of total GDP expenditure was used on healthcare and public expenditure was 14.5% (, 2015). This data represented that few occurrences are present where public do make a payment toward purchasing health care services and products. Few NHS services are not free. The health department enforces flat charges to NHS patients, for certain products, like optical, dental and pharmac eutical services and products. The US funding Many parties and entities are involved in sponsoring the US health care system. Almost 44% of health care GDP is paid out by the public or government funds and hence, almost, 56% of GDP associated with health care is paid out by private parties. Current data shows that health care expenses have reached almost US $2.8 trillion in the year 2011 (Dorsey, 2010). Due to this increase, it is vital for the US health care managers and US public to recognize how this care set up is funded to contribute to the clarification of this constantly rising problem. According to Hussey et al. (2004) one of the most special characteristic features of the US health care industry is its reliance on agency associations that is when individual party operates in support of another (Hussey et al., 2004). For example: a health insurance company works as a mediator for its member while dealing out compensations for health services. Third party payers give reimbursement for health care facility, whether its an employer group, a public plan or others. They pay for their members. The two agencies that are responsible for compensating for the healthcare services offered by the US are the patients and organizations. Conclusion Though the health care associated funding in the UK is controlled by the government and funding in the US is controlled by public and private agencies, both are only made achievable by public contribution. The basic differences are government involvement level and voluntary contribution versus mandatory taxation. The UK offers access to the health care services to all using an equally run health care delivery system to the United States, whereas, the US is facing economical burden. Hence, the US has significantly failed in offering Americans with reasonable healthcare services and instruction on the effect this has on the financial system. So, ultimately it can be recommended that the US health care system is more effective. References BBC News, (2015).NHS satisfaction 'risen significantly'. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2015]. Dorsey, E. (2010). Funding of US Biomedical Research, 2003-2008.JAMA, 303(2), p.137. Head, M., Fitchett, J., Holmes, A. and Atun, R. (2014). Funding healthcare-associated infection research: a systematic analysis of UK research investments, 19972010.Journal of Hospital Infection, 87(2), pp.84-91. Hollnagel, E., Braithwaite, J. and Wears, R. (2013).Resilient health care. Farnham, Surrey, UK England: Ashgate. Hussey, P., Anderson, G., Osborn, R., Feek, C., McLaughlin, V., Millar, J. and Epstein, A. (2004). How Does The Quality Of Care Compare In Five Countries?.Health Affairs, 23(3), pp.89-99. Kumarasamy, M. and Sanfilippo, F. (2015). Breaking down silos: engaging students to help fix the US health care system.Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, p.101. McCarthy, M. (2014). Health system report ranks UK first, US last.BMJ, 348(jun17 25), pp.g4080-g4080., (2015).What is NHS continuing healthcare? - Health questions - NHS Choices. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2015].
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