Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Buckle up Essay Example for Free
Buckle up Essay Still unconscious, wreathed in bandages, pale and out in my own land, I could not even barely imagine the pain that engulfed my loved ones as they by lay vigil each night, thinking of my sorry picture with only breathing tubes to hang onto. On the second day, I regained consciousness and began a hazy recollection of what happened. The successive bumps and crash. I could recall seeing the driver ram straight into the car in front, a second later I was flung head first into the driving seat almost unsitting the driver who nonchalantly pushed my head aside. The only other recollection is seeing flames and being suffocated by fumes of burning petrol. The accident left me with gruesome facial cuts, an upper broken jaw with six teeth less. In modern day United Arab Emirates, the causes such accidents are as varied as the number of accidents. There are times when you cant really blame anybody. Nobody expects a sudden thick fog during the rush hour, it was quite an unfortunate scenario but you dare not snarl in the highway because you could be the cause of another accident. The combination of reckless over confident drivers with such weather conditions only spells doom to the careful drivers who will slow down and ensure that there is sufficient space between his vehicle and the next but there is no knowing who might ram into your rear. It is therefore an unwritten rule that one simple mistake like slowing down even in zebra crossings might result in traffic accident. Despite all these unwritten rules, you cannot surely escape being labelled a very stupid person if you drive at 120km/h in a silly thick fog. It is always the first car in the crash that causes the accident, whether he was driving beyond the police legal allowance, a copy of the many paper on the driving wheel or coffee on the other hand, the prerequisites to such traffic accidents are seen every day on our highways. It gets even more harrowing when people drive while answering phone calls or when rich spoilt kids zoom at dangerous speeds in brand new SUVs. I was dispatched from the hospital after three intensive months of medical care. By slowly recollecting the past, trying to shift what might have caused the accident and what might have not, trying to find a rationale why as a passenger I had much more serious injuries than the driver who only escaped with minor injuries the answer to my stupid injuries hits me hard, Buckle up! : That was the difference between the driver and me. Its even more hurting that I had to learn painful way. The seat belt usage is the savior if you are to be involved in such accidents. These are a very many road casualties that arise due to our refusal to buckle up. Presently the campaign â€Å"Your safety is in using safety Belt is helping people understand the importance of buckling up. Additionally, as we speak now heavy fines are being levied on those apprehended for not putting on their safety belts. This has come only after the realization that traffic accidents cause more deaths than murder and is only second to death caused by cardiovascular diseases. The experience of accidents is harrowing, the survival chance is in guaranteed, and as more and more lunatic drivers are released onto our roads, the only savior is the seat belt. I have never been reminded to buckle up ever since, my scars are too huge to be ignored. Buckling up has become an innate predisposition to me. References New Initiative in IAHVs Road Peace Campaign: Buckle up Dubai www. dubaishopping festival. com/news/IAHV11-09. htm Buckle up Drive Controls Violations of Seat Belt Rule. 2007http:www. uaeinteract. com/docs.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Possible Secrecy of UFOs :: Unidentified Flying Objects Aliens Essays
The Possible Secrecy of UFOs Unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, are one of the most controversial mysteries known to mankind. From ancient to present times, unidentified objects have been seen in the sky by millions of people. The question is, of course, what is it that we are seeing in our skies? Are they foreign spacecrafts from distant planets, merely Air Force experiments, or only our imagination? Many people believe that extraterrestrial life is existent and far more advanced then us. Conversely, many believe that aliens are just figments of our optimistic imaginations. What about our governments? Are they hiding vital information from us, the citizens of the world, in belief that we are better off not knowing the truth? Countless government employees have continually denied allegations of UFOs being in contact with our planet. Then again, many of these officials have also allegedly taken part in UFO cover-ups and seen flying saucers for themselves. Is there some huge conspiracy, or are there only at tention-hungry people who wish to be in the spotlight? Arguments are incredibly strong for both sides. There is an excessive amount of information which could lead one to assume that UFOs are fiction, yet there is also an abundant amount of evidence which suggests that UFOs are in fact out there. What, and who, are we to believe? I. On September 1, 1859, Richard Carrington, a renowned astronomer of his time, saw two luminous bodies that he said were not meteors flying through the air (Lore 53). Nine years later at Radcliffe Observatory in Oxford, many astronomers witnessed a luminous object that moved quickly across the sky, stopped, changed course to the west, then to the south, where it hovered for four minutes. Then it headed toward the north. (Lore 53) UFOs. What are they, and where do they come from? Unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, are one of the worldƒ s oldest and most intriguing mysteries. UFOs are commonly called flying saucers , which the American Heritage Dictionary defines as any of various unidentified flying objects typically reported and described as luminous discs (272). Esteemed Idaho businessman Kenneth Arnold coined the phrase flying saucer when in June of 1947 he saw saucer-shaped discs flying over the Cascade Mountains. It was in this year that these unidentified flying object sightings began to escalate. About one month after Arnold saw these objects in the sky the incident at Roswell occurred.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Hassan’s Story Essay
A. Baru is using surface markings to identify the gender of a skull. What two major types of surface markings do bones have? a. The depressions and openings. B. Why are Liu and Hassan surprised to find a metopic suture on an adult skull? In which skull bone do metopic sutures occur? b. Because right after birth the left side and right side of the frontal bone are united by the metopic suture. They were surprised because this suture should have disappeared between the ages of six to eight years of age. C. What delicate skeletal structures are found inside the nasal cavity that might be missing from an excavated skull? c. The perpendicular plate D. How would Hassan and his team be able to tell the ages of the skeletal remains of the woman and baby? d. By the four main sutures such as coronal suture, sagittal suture, lambdoid suture and squamous sutures. E. What features of the vertebral column would the larger skeleton in the sarcophagus show to indicate it was female? e. The vertebral column of a male in about 71 cm (28 in.) for a female the vertebral column of a female would be about 61 cm (24 in.) F. What bone in the neck region other than cervical vertebrae may be damaged during strangulation or neck trauma? f. The hyoid bone. G. If the bones of a person found at the excavation site were mixed up and out of sequence, how could the anthropologists determine which vertebrae were cervical, lumbar or thoracic? g. Because the cervical bones are the smallest, the thoracic bones are larger than the cervical bones, and the lumbar bones are the largest. H. Why would bones with their hard structure, be subject to and show signs of the disease that destroyed this community? h. Because bones will show signs of wear and tear and can also be also be tested. I. What structure passes through the transverse foramina of cervical vertebrae that would cause death if damaged as in the child’s skeleton? i. Arteries
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The American Revolution The First Successful Rebellion...
The American Revolution is perhaps one of the most significant changes in international history as the first successful rebellion by a colony against its European parent. It brought along with it new concepts of government and democracy, changing many preexisting viewpoints of how the distribution of representation and power would be managed by a country’s citizens and residents. One such viewpoint which began a movement that would last into the next century was slavery, particularly of African Americans. Africans were brought from their continent against their will be European slave traders to supply the burgeoning manufacturing and plantation industries in the New World. The abolitionist ideas were started in Europe and made their way to America where those with decision making power, land-owning white males, began debating whether the validity of such a system should persist or not. At the same time, there were freed African Americans who took upon themselves the task to advance the betterment of their population. African Americans were limited in the extent to which they could promote and spread freedom due to their inability to vote and truly be represented. However, in raising awareness within their own community and working with white abolitionists who had voting rights and better representation, they were able to promote and spread awareness about ending slavery and freeing African Americans between the 1770s and 1850s to improve their quality of life in theShow MoreRelatedResistance Of Slavery During African Americans1656 Words  | 7 Pagesslavery in the Caribbean started before African Americans even set foot on the ships that took them on the middle passage across the Atlantic ocean to the Caribbean islands. Slave rebellions and maroonages started to take place in Caribbean slave society during the 18th and early 19th century. 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