Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The differing notions of power and freedom explored in the Gorgias Essay Example
The differing notions of power and freedom explored in the Gorgias Paper What starts off as a discussion surrounding rhetoric, within the Gorgias, quickly but unsurprisingly transcends into a dialogue concerning the nature of virtuex of which the notions of freedom and power are intrinsically linked. Plato has the dialogue played out between Socrates and four others. Gorgias a famous Sophist and rhetorician, Polus his eager student, Callicles x and Chairephon a friend of Plato who plays little part in the dialogue. This essay shall split the dialogue into three parts, with each part considering Socrates debate with each of the three main protagonists. In each instance, the ideas of each individual regarding power and freedom will be expressed, Socrates response examined and the resulting implications surrounding his personal ideas explored. From this analysis, any overriding ideas throughout the dialogue may then be distinguished. Throughout the dialogues, power is usually the focus of discussion as opposed to freedom but it is fair to conclude that the concepts of power and freedom are so deeply intertwined that it often becomes difficult to disentangle them. Certainly Socrates and the three others seem to have similarly conflicting viewpoints regarding freedom and power. Usually in disproving his opponents views on power, he also, in conjunction, shows their idea of freedom to be faulty. The dialogue first introduces the notion of power via Gorgias, whom when questioned by Socrates declares rhetoric to be the greatest and noblest of affairs. Upon being asked by Socrates why this and not other professions such as medicine are not as noble, Gorgias retorts that a rhetorician can persuade a crowd to their personal line of thought through their oratory skills. We will write a custom essay sample on The differing notions of power and freedom explored in the Gorgias specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The differing notions of power and freedom explored in the Gorgias specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The differing notions of power and freedom explored in the Gorgias specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this lies power since they can dictate the desires of the population and bend them to their own device. Gorgias uses an instance of him competing against a real doctor to outline his point, he states that it would for him, as a skilled person in rhetoric, be easy to persuade an assembly or equivalent that it is he who is the expert in medicine and not the doctor. He could then get profit from this by being selected for posts above the real doctor. This is the notion of power that Gorgias believes an orator possesses. Power for Gorgias is the main goal in life and since, through persuasion, he believes he can achieve power, rhetoric becomes the supreme art for him. Gorgias does not dispute Socrates attack on his ideas, in that there is no truth in what a rhetorician can state i. e no real medical knowledge is necessary in order for the orator to convince a crowd that he is the expert. Socrates points out that there is no worth in convincing a crowd ignorant of medicine that you are knowledgeable in the subject. No good will come from this, there is no benefit here for society, nor is there any good for the individual. The orator does not further themselves by continuing on with such flattery, they are merely guessing at true knowledge. Gorgias also claims to be able to last web page Polus enters the conversation on the side of his teacher Gorgias and in particular is shocked when Socrates dismisses rhetoric as being equivalent to cooking in worth and the idea of Despite talk of flattery, Polus maintains that the orator is the most powerful person in a community because he can do whatever he pleases, like tyrants, put to death any man they will is the example he offers. Socrates response to this is simply No, if by power you mean something good for its posessor the ability to do whatever one pleases is not actually power. Wielding power is not good in its own right, there also needs to be some benefit coupled with the power. Plato uses the idea that rhetoricians are not intelligent in their own right to comment that if power is the ability to get what you want then a rhetorician, without any intelligence nor rational expertise lacks power. Platos argument here is not as convincing since he redefines want continually throughout this section. He appears to restrict wanting to cases where it is actual and not just apparent. Some commentators argue that Plato is deepening our understanding of want and not just changing his definition to suit his argument or alternatively highlighting the spurious nature of oratory, there is no real knowledge at the base of rhetoric could be the subtle point he is making. This line of thought though probably affords Plato too much credit in this instance. Polus continues to claim that political speakers have power, to which Socrates paradoxically replies that they have the least power of any in the state. In order to back this up Socrates claims that, although you may be able to do what is best, it is not necessarily true that you can do what you actually want. This is because of the fact that what you want is going to be good for you, while politicians always aim for their own personal good but if they do not appreciate what this good is they will end up doing what they do not. If they are doing what they do not want then they surely have no power. To complete the paradox, the philosopher claims that politicians especially are likely to be led away by others in order to gain approval rather than pursuing there own personal good which would be beneficial for them. The conclusion is that those who apparently have the most power turn out to infact have the very least. More potential chat on Polus Socrates brings up the issue of freedom by insisting on a distinction between doing as one sees fit and doing what one wants i. e negative and positve freedom. Polus has showed that the orator can do as he sees fit, but that doesnt automatically mean that he can do what he wants. Socrates argues, and Polus agrees, that some things are good, some things are bad, and some things are in themselves indifferent but can be either good or bad depending on how theyre used. What we want are the good things, but sometimes we must do the indifferent things (some of which may be very disagreeable, like taking medicine or going on a sea voyage) in order to get the good things. We dont want the indifferent things for their own sake, though; we want them for the sake of the good things. So strictly speaking, its the good things we want. However Socrates in many ways is not really justified in drawing a distinction between freedoms since If, however, we are mistaken about the connection between what were doing and that for the sake of which were doing it, we wont in fact be doing what we want. If I willingly take a bitter medicine in order to attain health, but in fact the medicine wont cure me, Im not doing what I want, even though Im doing as I see fit. In the same way, if I put someone to death or confiscate his property, but doing these things wont actually be for good, then Im not doing what I want, even though Im doing as I see fit. Following Polus acception of Socrates ideas Callicles enters the fray, in this the last section of the book. His arguments go beyond that of Polus, he approves of power over others in order that one can indulge their whims. His philosophy on how one should live is that of might is right citing nature as his justification a very similar line that was ultimately to be taken up by Neit zsche. Socrates points out though that his ideas may leave one vulnerable to an aggressor. Can a man avoid being wronged if it be his will to avoid it is posed as a question by Socrates, intuitively and for Callicles this would appear to be false. To avoid being wronged and hence to have real freedom you need power to protect yourself be it political or otherwise. Since doing wrong is involuntary, a consequence of error, you especially need power to protect yourself from this seemingly inevitable occurance. For Socrates, the problem this idea of power being necessary brings is that it assumes life at any cost is desirable even at a cost of moral corruption. Socrates replies that if life is infact the highest good, then even if rhetoric lead to power and hence the ability to survive one should also consider other examples such as swimming which has the potential to save lives. Even more so the mechanic who may save an entire community through the machines he builds. If mere life is viewed as the highest good, then these are equally as important as power in this respect. This goes a long way in showing that power is not necessay for freedom. It goes against Callicles definition of power being the freedom to do what you wish. In essence we find that Socrates is arguing that power is not an external force but an internal one, power over oneself i. e. self control is more important than power over others. It is this critical idea that seperates Socrates from Gorgias, Polus and Callicles. Socrates links true power inherently to having an ordered, controlled body and soul. Since rhetoric, as shown by Socrates, contains no real knowledge and is simply false knowledge, no agathon or beneficial good is derived for the body or soul and hence this flattery does not provide you with any true power. The use of a dialogue on rhetoric to explore notions of power can be seen as clever on the part of Plato, since the common but false view of power, power over others, like rhetoric, gives out an impressive image but ultimately does little to advance the good and has little real worth. the discipline to act justly, live virtuously, and not need anything. Additional pertinence is carried, when one considers the recent events surrounding the historical Socrates death. Socrates was willing to die if it be the will of the government even though he had the means to escape. This treatment of power becomes all the more significant in light of the events surrounding Socrates actual trial and death. The philosopher was accused of corrupting through false instruction and treason, and convicted and executed because of his refusal to admit having acted wrongly. In light of this event and its close proximity to Gorgias creation, then, the nature of power for Plato takes on crucial importance in that he must prove his teacher died in strength rather than weakness. For Socrates contemporaries, the rampant view of power is the ability to rule over others and to satisfy ones own desires. This position is best expressed by Polus (466-69) and Callicles (490-492). Plato takes great care to debunk this formulation. On the one hand, Socrates argues, those who rule others often must perform actions they do not will in order to benefit the state of which they are in charge. In this sense then, apparently powerful tyrants are often unable to act as they will, and true power is shown to consist of something other than ruling over others. At the same time, those who repeatedly satisfy their desires do not possess real power because this gratification further fuels rather than extinguishes the appetites. A person capable of always satisfying desire is in constant need of more satisfaction, and as such possesses no true power. This point is illustrated in 493b by the metaphor of the leaky jar. Mention of probable proximity of Socrates execution to book and themes this may have inspired. Socrates views freedom for the most part, whether there is anything within that has any element of control. This would include not having any addictions or other strong needs. Ideally reducing ones needs until one is content with what is to hand is best.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Reports of ww2 essays
Reports of ww2 essays The assigned reading was for the most part the telling of soldiers stories, whether they told of the stories they'd had or the story they were currently taking part in. As a whole they weren't looking to sway my opinion in any particular direction regarding the war, just describe the situation. The first piece of writing that I found persuasive came from I. F. Stone, a writer for The Nation who was stationed behind a desk in Washington instead of behind a bunker at the time of the war. I mention the fact that he was a desk jockey because it was something I took personally when reading of the heroics of the reporter writing from the front lines. I said to myself the first time reading through his report "Why should I listen to this coward, he is trying to tell us that we are doing enough? What a hypocrite. He needs to get off his rear, get a gun and into G.I. gear.". However after reading the piece and seeing how it moved me, I saw how important a role a reporter could play back home. Stone's article "A plea to admit Jewish refugees" was the only writing that looked at the war from the broader sense of things. Most war time reporters concentrated more on what was happening in the platoons, the men's feelings and keeping moral high. This was an essential role that reporters filled, not only for the soldiers but for the folks back in the States. I know that if I was in that particular situation that I wouldn't be worrying about the Jewish refugees so much as I would be trying to avoid the bullets whizzing over head. It's important to concentrate on one thing at a time. However since Stone could look at the war as more of a political battle than a battle of day to day survival, it made him curious about what exactly are our objectives were and are we properly utilizing our resources. Through his researching he found that the only support that we were really giving was militarily, and other than that ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Interview student from Russia Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Interview student from Russia - Article Example These are special workshops, where we meet together and discuss current issues. I try to visit as many activities as possible, for example, we have workshops on politics, economics, films and music, literature. During our last meeting (before I went to the US) we discussed the perspective of the European Union and the results of referendums in France and the Netherlands. As for me, I think, this idea has always been a bit artificial, it doesn't bring much profit comparing with the money that is spent to support it, look at the Euro, its strength won't last for long. But that is only my opinion. I am to prove it, I have to write an essay with my ideas. - In the beginning of the 90s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was felt lack of finance in education, while in the US there was much attention paid to it. In the Soviet Union education was free; nowadays we have an alternative, whether to study at the state or private (which means one is to pay much for it) school, college, university. By the way, the same situation is in the sphere of medicine. - Officially, yes, but the waiting list would be very long, so, most probably, you wouldn't need any medical treatment already. That's why unofficially you have to give money to doctors or buy medicines. Then, speaking about the system of education, as for me, I study at the State University for free and even get a scholarship, but there are students who pay for their studies and these sums are really large, so, I'm afraid, higher education is not available for everyone. - In the US you have the opportunity to decide by yourself whether to study only or to work or combine your job with studies at the college or university. I think, that working while studying is very important because it is a good training and experience. - In Russia education is compulsory only for first eight classes, then you can go to work, if you want to enter the university, you are to study for two more years, and then try to pass your exams for higher education. I try to combine studies and job, though sometimes it causes problems either at the University of at work... - Let's talk about everyday life in Russia. In what ways is it interesting or strange Is it harder or easier for an average citizen in financial aspect, for example Is it hard for you, in particular - Yes. I understand. In Western countries there are very many stereotypes about Russia: that its whole population consists either of starving alcoholics or gangsters (or gangsters-alcoholics). But fortunately it is not so. Believe me. Of course, there are gangsters, like in any country - in big cities it can be rather dangerous to appear in the street late at night. As for vodka, it is still a problem, especially in the countryside, because people can't find job there, the Soviet system of kolkhoz and sovkhoz (farms which belong to the state)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Outline macro journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Outline macro journal - Essay Example They obtained more than five hundred information pieces in relation to the background of students, as well as the facilities and resources available in their schools (Heyneman & Loxley 1163). Data was collected from Uganda from sixty-one primary schools spread across five districts and three urban areas of Kampala, Mbale, and Jinja through primary leaving examination performances, inventories of facilities by the principals, and questionnaires (Heyneman & Loxley 1166). In El Salvador, they selected 595 schools based on their location and number of students after which they tested 50% of the students in these schools in social studies, math, and science. They also collected data from Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Paraguay, and Brazil under the ECIEL auspices, obtaining information on attitudinal characteristics and background. Data from Egypt included school quality and achievement information and was collected from 1.250 students in 5th and 6th grade attending sixty schools picked at random. Finally, they also collected data from Botswana with regards to reading and math comprehension for 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade students, as well as inventories on facilitie s, principals, and teachers (Heyneman & Loxley 1168). Due to the similarity of each study’s design, the authors examined societal differences at varying economic development levels. Comparing the studies that they got their data from raised several concerns regarding the achievement tests’ intent, the test questions’ content, the sample populations, administration of the studies, and the sample representation (Heyneman & Loxley 1169). In their own methodological procedures, their country samples involved some five hundred independent measures of education. 300 experts in 18 countries using 14 languages in 10,000 institutions with 260,000 students and 50, 000 teachers, carried out the data they used. 45 items in the questionnaire referred to the opportunity for students
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Monasticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Monasticism - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that Monastery lifestyle aids the monks to subdue their bodily passions that may hinder one from having complete dedication to God. This is via fasting, enduring harsh circumstances with people of the similar motive living together as a family. Primarily, this entails fervent fasting, praying and persevering trials for the sake of the church while making constant intercession for humankind. These trials and sufferings monks render in union with those of the Christ while in Gethsemane. Here, Christ was pleading for assistance and accompaniment in the journey of human salvation, which entailed the Holy Trinity’s intervention.This study highlights that seclusion gives monks the detachment they require meant for external stillness or quietness, which is essential in aiding one to get in touch with oneself. Hence, monks meticulously know themselves better, so that they are capable to fight their passions and embrace a life worth of God beholding. The exercise aims at fulfilling the monastic golden vows summed up as The Benedictine Rule, which acts as a guide all through the partakers’ lives. They comprise total obedience, stability and transformation in the way of life, which will aid in subduing passions and desires of this materialistic world, thus devote to the will of God. Monastic life calls for the monks not only for fervent prayers and be in confinements of the monastery, but also aid in situations where pastoral work is in demand.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Manipulation Of Images In Media Texts Media Essay
Manipulation Of Images In Media Texts Media Essay There are many arguments and concepts towards manipulation of images in media texts. The manipulation of images is seen every day by everybody who picks up any kind of media text from newspapers and magazines to internet articles, retouching photos is happening. Whether its changing how a person looks, changing the dominant characters surroundings or deleting parts of the image this all adds to the audiences perception of the text which the media has given them. There is no right or wrong answer unto whether the manipulation of media texts is actually something that should happen and should carry on happening throughout texts, some people think it is wrong to change the way people look, however some people believe that the changing and manipulation of media texts is all part of the media process. There are more arguments throughout the world of media which say the retouching their images is misleading for young people and manipulates them to believe this is how you should look. I want to see regular girls that look like me in a magazine thats supposed to be for me. For the sake of all the struggling girls all over America, who read Seventeen and think these fake images are what they should be, Im stepping up (Bluhm, 2012) Julia Bluhm is a 14 year old American teenager who understood the manipulation of texts and how the retouching and development of photos will influence teenage girls lifestyles and make them change the way they look at themselves because of the fake images portrayed by the media. For young girls like Julia photo manipulation could potentially make them change the ways they look at themselves due to the retouched images, young girls tend to idolize celebrities and icons in magazines. The retouched photos which may lead them to believe their own imperfections are abnormal influencing them to even turn to anorexia and body issues. Many people believe that the manipulation of images in media texts also leads to many people having low self-esteem issues which may also cause self obsessions and body issues within ones self. Theres no end of studies that show that consistently seeing airbrushed images makes women feel worse about themselves. (Crisell, 2010) There have been many articles written to show how the retouching of images affects the lifestyles and health of people, especially women. Many psychologists have studied the effects of the manipulation of media texts and how it reflects on a persons health; many say we are more likely to compare ourselves to these images due to the excessive exposure we have to them. We live in a current society which consists of a high percentage of people living with high body dissatisfaction and manipulation of images in media texts could potentially increase this percentage. Some people may disagree and believe that the retouching of images in media is a normal thing to do and is all part of the media process. No longer is it about just taking pictures.  Editing is involved. (Boutwell, 2012) Today, many photographers and people involved in the media believe there is a lot more behind an image and it isnt about just taking a photo anymore, editing is used in the images in media to enhanced the beauty of the image and to potentially get the most out of it. My opinion is that Photoshop is a major reason why photographers make so much money. (Boutwell, 2012) From getting the most out of the image that is possible some people say, like Allison Boutwell, that this is how photographers and the media make more money and sell more which is a process that every worldwide business want to do and this is just the way the media achieve this. Every business and company wants to make a profit, and by selling the manipulated images is the way the media do this. Arguments can show that the manipulation of images in media texts is just the way the media are trying to earn a living so to say. The retouched images seem to show more public interest than the non retouched images due to the public wanting to see the eye catching beautiful celebrities on the cover of their favourite magazines. Beauty-retouching is a quite deceptive art. (Metzmacher, 2008) Like Metzmacher some people disagree that the manipulation of images is wrong due to the idea that retouching images is only enhancing beauty of people and is seen as an art form. Today, 23 percent of women ages 25 to 29 now retouch their own personal photo and even more concerning, 41 percent among those ages 18 to 24 now retouch their photos too. Figure like this now may begin to suggest that women now begin to feel compelled to retouch their own photos due to manipulation of media images in order to fix their own personal self-esteem problems that the media have persuaded them into. Research shows that many women globally have all started editing their own photos in order to try and fit their own personal needs. Although only 43 percent of women agree with retouching photos, higher figure show that women edit their own photos. The media assist in this process subconsciously to the public, but it may lead to potential problems in the future like women becoming too obsessive with having the perfect figure and generating the perfect photo to feel they are meeting the need of the media also. Overall, the manipulation of images in media texts and be misconstrued in both directions, there are many positive and negative aspects to retouching photos. In my opinion, i do think that redevelopment of images can be seen as an art form and is only trying to enhance the beauty of the image in order to grab the audiences attention. I think that the media have in somewhat gone too far with the retouching of photos and can convey ideas to young girls and change the way they look at themselves to try and can potentially cause them problems like anorexia and low self-esteem because of the fake images which are too perfect to even be real.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
K Pop Invasion
 ·Jealous Jealous of the girl who caught your eye One of my darker days When you looked at her where was I? Shoulda been in her place, here I am All alone imagining what could have been If I had been there Jealous of the one whose arms are around you If she's keeping you satisfied Jealous of the one who finally found you Made your sun and your stars collide La la la la la la la She's a very, very lucky girl La la la la la la la Jealous of the one who won your heart They say it's a perfect match She's gonna get to be where you are And I don't get better than that She'll say you're fine Whisper words I wish were mineAnd they might have been If I had been there Jealous of the one whose arms are around you [ From: http://www. elyrics. net/read/n/nina-lyrics/jealous-lyrics. html ] If she's keeping you satisfied Jealous of the one who finally found you Made your sun and your stars collide La la la la la la la She's a very, very lucky girl La la la la la la la You know I'd fight the good fight If I thought I'd change your mind But if she makes you happy I would leave that dream behind Man, she better treat you right And give you everything ‘Cause at the moment she doesn't I'll be waiting in the wings Jealous of the one whose arms are around youIf she's keeping you satisfied Jealous of the one who finally found you Made your sun and your stars collide La la la la la la la She's a very, very lucky girl La la la la la la la La la la la la la la She's a very, very lucky girl  ·We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together I remember when we broke up the first time Saying, â€Å"This is it, I've had enough,†'cause like We hadn't seen each other in a month When you said you needed space. (What? ) Then you come around again and say â€Å"Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me. †Remember how that lasted for a day? I say, â€Å"I hate you,†we break up, you call me, â€Å"I love you. â€Å"Oooh we called it off again last night But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you We are never ever ever getting back together We are never ever ever getting back together You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me But we are never ever ever ever getting back together Like, ever†¦ I'm really gonna miss you picking fights And me, falling for it screaming that I'm right And you, would hide away and find your peace of mind With some indie record that's much cooler than mine Oooh, you called me up again tonight But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you We are never ever ever getting back togetherWe are never ever ever getting back together You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me) But we are never ever ever ever getting back together Oooh yeah, oooh yeah, oooh yeah Oh oh oh I used to think that we were forever ever And I used to say, â€Å"Never say never†¦ †Uggg, so he calls me up and he's like, â€Å"I still love you,†And I'm likeâ € ¦ â€Å"I just†¦ I mean this is exhausting, you know, like, We are never getting back together. Like, ever†No! We are never ever ever getting back together We are never ever ever getting back together You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to meBut we are never ever ever ever getting back together We, ohhh, getting back together,ohhh, We, ohhh, getting back together You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me) But we are never ever ever ever getting back together  ·Awake With every appearance by you Blinding my eyes, I can hardly remember The last time I felt like I do You? re an angel disguised And you? re lying real still But your heartbeat is fast just like mine And the movie? s long over That? s three that have passed, one more? s fine Will you stay awake for me? I don? t wanna miss anything I don? t wanna miss anything I will share the air I breatheI? ll give you my heart on a string I just don? t wanna miss anything I? m trying real hard not to shake I? m biting my tongue but I? m feeling alive And with every breath that I take I feel like I? ve won You? re my key to survival And if it? s a hero you want [. From: http://www. elyrics. net/read/s/secondhand-serenade-lyrics/awake-lyrics. html . ] I can save you, just stay here Your whispers are priceless Your presence is too so please stay here Will you stay awake for me? I don? t wanna miss anything I don? t wanna miss anything I will share the air I breathe I? ll give you my heart on a string I just don? t wanna miss anythingSay my name, I just want to hear you Say my name, so I know it's true You? re changing me, you? re changing me You showed me how to live, so just say, so just say That you? ll stay awake for me I don? t wanna miss anything I don? t wanna miss anything I will share the air I breathe I? ll give you my heart on a string I just don? t wanna miss anything  ·Inside My Heart I am nobody with no sense at all Pale as the mountain, cold as the shore Tried reminiscing, alone imagining What if I come to you? Then I stood up making the hours Gazing the sunsets, watching the stars.. Sparkling, smiling hello to my eyes. These as you come to meChorus: Inside my heart is you No greater love, no one above you Inside my heart is you Stay in love always, as I live in your ways Coz, inside my heart is you.. Play with the raindrops, lie on the sand (From: http://www. elyrics. net/read/f/frencheska-farr-lyrics/inside-my-heart-lyrics. html) Sail through the ocean, chasing the clouds Showed me completely what life is about†¦ I left with no worries flying so high (Repeat chorus) The end of all waiting, my new beginning Coz you have loved me this way. Inside my heart is you (oohh) No greater love no one above you ( no one above you†¦ oohh) Inside my heart is youStay in love always, as I live in your ways Coz, inside my heart is you.. Now I know the meaning Its love you creating The love in my heart is you†¦ Ins ide my heart is you..  ·Baby Baby [TAEYEON] Dorineun mam goma oon mam gadeukhi damaso Jelyebeun pojak soge (jonhago shipeunde) [YURI] Anilgoya ooseulgo ya ungdoonghan sang sang daemooneh Mae il miruneun babo (wae nagat janh ge) [JESSICA] Neul ootdon moseub neega nae mam hoob chingo [SUNNY] Gong maro numoo malo andweneunde [ALL] Please baby baby baby geu dae ga nae aneh [SEOHYUN] Numoo do gipi deurowa bo ilga iron nae sujubeun gobaek [ALL] Baby baby baby salmyo shi dagaga [SOOYOUNG]Jakeun mogsoriro gaga ee noman deurige malhae joolgeh [YOONA] Dab dab han mam mianhan mam onjenga jonaejool Mae il sahyo ganeun sunmool (jonhago shipeunde) [TIFFANY] Anilgo ya shireulgoya Geunyang nalpyon han chingu ee sangeun joldae anya (geuromyun ajae? ) [SUNNY] Neul otneun moseub nimam hoob chigo shipo [TAEYEON] Jongmaro numoo deulryo jugo shipo [ALL] Please baby baby baby geudaega nae aneh [From: http://www. elyrics. net/read/g/girls_-generation-lyrics/baby-baby-lyrics. html ] [JESSICA] Numoodo gipi deurowa bo il ga iron nae sujubeun gobaek [ALL] Baby baby baby sal myo shi dagaga [HYOYEON] Boodeuron noon ooseum euro noye momeh seumyo algoya [SEOHYUN] Sashil nudo algo nagagaji mothaneun nal [JESSICA] Oneu saenga naege no daga ogo itneungol [TAEYEON] Pogeunhan geu poomeuro nal gok anajwo [ALL] Please baby baby baby geudaega nae aneh [YURI] Numoo do gipi deurowa bo il ga iron nae sujubeun go baek [ALL] Baby baby baby sal myo shi dagaga [YOONA] Jakeun mogsoriro gaga ee noman neurige malhae jooleh [ALL] Please baby baby baby naega geudae aneh [TIFFANY] Sojong han sarang maneuro gadeugi chaewo nogo shipungolyo [ALL] Baby baby baby ijeneun geudaeye [TAEYEON] Nugodo boorubji anheul gajang yebeun yoja chinguya [ALL] Please baby baby baby
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Critical Analysis – John Keats, “Ode on a Grecian Urnâ€Â
The Romantic Period introduced a variety of writing styles. The authors of the early eighteenth century altered many of the earlier romantic pieces. The early writers primary area of concern was nature. It was not until the ladder part of the eighteenth century that authors began to focus on the supernatural as well as nature. John Keats unique style of writing gave the world a great respect for his work. Keats felt his poetry should effect the readers emotions, and only great poetry could move the reader to the point of enjoyment. In doing this Keats felt the only way to achieve his goal of â€Å"moving his udience†was to surrender to uncertainties, or by believing much of life is unexplainable, especially human beings, who strive on emotion that guide their wants and needs. In the â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn†, the urn represents a story without regard to time. (Bloom 16). The unchanging marble arrests time through the urn. (Bloom 16). â€Å"When old age shall this generation waste, Thou shalt remain†(lines 46-47), describes the unchanging marbles and the characters on the urn. With the unchanging marble, the urn has slowed time towards eternity, making artwork immortal (bloom 16). This shows the immortal side of the Grecian urn physical appearance. The unchangeable urn also displays a tale of an everyday place. The urn show the people with their endless deeds. â€Å"Fair youth, beneath the trees, thou canst not leave Thy song, nor ever can those trees be bare; Bold Lover, never, never canst thou kiss, Tough winning near the goal- ye, do not grieve; She cannot fade, though thou hadt not thy bliss, Forever wilt thou love, and she be fair! (lines 15-20). Life is halted and can never continue from this point. The fair youth, the Bold Lover, the trees of spring, and the season spring, can ever leave their endless deeds. Immortality of the town is shown. What little town by river or seashore, Or mountain-built with peaceful citadel, Is empitied of this folk, this pious morn? And, little town, thy streets forevermore Will be silent be†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (lines 35 – 39). The town will never see people inhibiting it, bringing loneliness and immorality throughout the town. These are the advantages mortality give to the living. The themes of immortality and morality can be seen throughout â€Å"Ode of a Grecian Urn. †The unchanging marble of the urn can be considered immortal just as the tale displayed on the urn. The fact that the tale on the urn can never change shows the disadvantage of being mmortal and the reason why morality can be better. The poem begins by probing the reader with a series of questions presented by the speaking subject. Keats then permits the urn to speak without speaking, to â€Å"express a flowery tale more sweetly than rhyme. Keats has trouble getting outside of the answers he continually struggle with during his writing career. He presents a series of questions he expects the urn, or the representative of the urn to answer. Scott says, â€Å"the ode does not begin with the speakers attempt to compete with the urn, but with a homage to its strange enealogy and its paradoxical powers of eloquence†(Scott 135). Scott also says, Keats immediately becomes impatient with the urn’s silence and seeks to impose his own dialogue on the existing surface of the urn. Andrew Bennett recognizes Keat’s desire to enter the dialogue saying, â€Å"Keats always seems about to burst into narrative†(Bennett 130). He appears from the beginning to question the urn, then later adds his answers. Keats now haunts the reader at the end of the poem by questioning the nature of truth represented by the urn. Stillenger accurately states in â€Å"The Hoodwinking of Madeline†, the question of he urn, â€Å"Who said what to whom at the end of ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn? †(Stillinger 167- 173). Truth is related to whom we identify as the speaking subject. Someone or something is addressing the reader directly. Someone is defined as â€Å"a friend of man†. Keats sees the â€Å"happy lover†as well as the â€Å"object of desire†, the three boughs and the piper. The urn contains a scene ambiguous in meaning. He presents questions within the first through forth stanzas. He demands origins, names and meaning in regards to specified events. The unanswered questions are left for the reader to answer. Jason Muro says, the ode inscribes a sine wave, with five distinct points along its length. First, the poet is steeped in despair brought about b the world’s unrelenting flex. Second, upon entering the urn, he is filled with hope he has found the antidote for despair. Third, he finds his hope unfounded, the antidote was a placebo. Fourth, he closely examined the urn, he embodies a terror more intense than the despair from which he sought relief. The Placebo is in fact poison. Last, he embraces transient conditions of the world as an antidote to the terrors of the urn. The point of origin of Keats initial problem from which he wants to ascene becomes his point of salvation he want to climb by the end of the poem. Keats became apart of his poetry by becoming all of its characters in one aspect or another. He is the â€Å"unheard melody that is never really heard or appreciated in its lifetime†. He is the tree that will never go bare, because he died during the spring season of the year. He is the bold lover that will never kiss yet will forever love. Line after line Keats is the representative of the objects and people he describes. The happy boughs, happy melodist, and the pining lover. I believe the poet and the urn to one in the same. The question is, What was the meaning of â€Å"beauty is truth, truth is beauty? Stiller believes it to mean, â€Å"face value, the statement is false, and Keats knew this and understood this, but maybe considered it a simple, sarcastic equation that would guarantee a frivolous, superficial existence in a society consumed with who’s who. †(200). Keats was making a mockery of the ideal, ‘forever happy’ lifestyle by realizing no one is truly happy no matter how thing appear to the outside world. The urn may have been representative of Keat’s dream of a short lifestyle. A group whose motto was â€Å"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,†and were there beliefs to their end. What was the true sacrifice Keats endured within this work? Was so much of his time spent creating this fictional urn, only to inform society of his final analogy of his time on earth? Did Keats consider himself to be the â€Å"Sylvan historian? †Had he mastered the superficial rules to life and living on earth? Was he letting the reader in on his theory? of â€Å"Beauty is truth, truth beauty? †These are questions that may remain unanswered by Keats, but remain a mystery to whomever has the opportunity to explore â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn. Taking a look into to today’s society, we find the same belief. Appearing to be physically perfect is the new trend. We worship Hollywood stars and try to model our own lives after them. The media makes the world of Hollywood perfect and we sometimes have a difficult time deciphering between our world and their world. There are many of us who aspire to be like the ‘stars’ yet there is a hidden message within the lives they lead. â€Å"Beauty is truth, truth beauty. †This message is apparent whenever a ‘star’ is in the spotlight. Society believes in the reality behind the message â€Å"Beauty is truth, truth beauty. We want to believe this message is the key to all our happiness. We all at one time or another within our lives have tried to live according to our favorite celebrity, just as Keats idolized the people projected on his urn. Keats life unfortunately ended before it ever began yet he was able to realize despite his heartbreak and illness, that this is almost never true. No matter how perfect things appear to be on the outside, it’s totally different when you attempt to put the other person shoes on and takes a stroll. In other words, things are not what they always appear to be.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Profile of Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal
Profile of Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal Portugal is a country that has no coast along the Mediterranean Sea, only the Atlantic Ocean, so the countrys advances in worldwide exploration centuries ago may come as no surprise. That said, it was the passion and goals of one man who truly moved Portuguese exploration forward, the man known as Prince Henry the Navigator (1394–1460). Formally, he was Henrique, duque de Viseu, senhor da Covilh. Fast Facts: Prince Henry the Navigator Known For: He founded an institute for explorers, and people from around the world visited to learn about the latest discoveries in geography and navigation technology.Born: 1394 in Porto, PortugalParents: King John I of Portugal, Philippa of Lancaster, of EnglandDied: 1460 in Sagres, PortugalSpouse: NoneChildren: None Although Prince Henry never sailed on any of his expeditions and rarely left Portugal, he became known as Prince Henry the Navigator because of his patronage of explorers, who increased the worlds known geographic information through the sharing of knowledge and by sending expeditions to places previously uncharted. Early Life Prince Henry was born in 1394 as the third son of King John I (King Joao I) of Portugal. At the age of 21, in 1415, Prince Henry commanded a military force that captured the Muslim outpost of Ceuta, located on the south side of the Strait of Gibraltar, on the northern tip of the African continent and bordering Morocco. It became Portugals first overseas territory. On this expedition, the prince learned about gold routes and became fascinated with Africa. The Institute at Sagres Three years later, Prince Henry founded his navigational institute at Sagres on the southwestern-most point of Portugal, Cape Saint Vincent- a place ancient geographers referred to as the western edge of the earth. The institute, best described as a 15th-century research and development facility, included libraries, an astronomical observatory, shipbuilding facilities, a chapel, and housing for staff. The institute was designed to teach navigational techniques to Portuguese sailors, to collect and disseminate geographical information about the world, to invent and improve navigational and seafaring equipment, and to sponsor expeditions. Prince Henrys school brought together some of the leading geographers, cartographers, astronomers, and mathematicians from throughout Europe to work at the institute. When people returned from voyages, they brought back with them information about currents, winds- and could improve existing maps and seafaring equipment. A new type of ship, called a caravel, was developed at Sagres. It was fast and was much more maneuverable than prior types of boats, and though they were small, they were quite functional. Two of Christopher Columbus ships, the Nina and the Pinta, were caravels (the Santa Maria was a carrack). Caravels were dispatched south along the western coast of Africa. Unfortunately, a major obstacle along the African route was Cape Bojador, southeast of the Canary Islands (located in Western Sahara). European sailors were afraid of the cape, for supposedly to its south lay monsters and insurmountable evils. It also hosted some challenging seas: tough waves, currents, shallows, and weather. Expeditions: Goals and Reasons Prince Henrys expeditionary goals were to increase navigational knowledge along the western coast of Africa and find a water route to Asia, to increase trade opportunities for Portugal, to find gold to provide the trips own funding, to spread Christianity around the world, and defeat Muslims- and perhaps even to find Prester John, a legendary wealthy priest-king thought to reside somewhere in Africa or Asia. The Mediterranean and other ancient East sea routes were controlled by the Ottoman Turks and Venetians, and the breakup of the Mongol Empire made some known land routes unsafe. Thus came the motivation to find new water routes heading East. Exploring Africa Prince Henry sent 15 expeditions to navigate south of the cape from 1424 to 1434, but each returned with its captain giving excuses and apologies for not having passed the dreaded Cape Bojador. Finally, in 1434 Prince Henry sent Captain Gil Eannes (who had previously attempted the Cape Bojador voyage) south; this time, Captain Eannes sailed to the west prior to reaching the cape and then headed eastward after passing the cape. Thus, none of his crew saw the dreadful cape, and it had been successfully passed, without catastrophe befalling the ship. This was the first European expedition to sail past this point and successfully return. Following the successful navigation south of Cape Bojador, exploration of the African coast continued. In 1441, Prince Henrys caravels reached Cape Blanc (the cape where Mauritania and Western Sahara meet). The expedition brought back some blacks as exhibits of interest to show the prince. One negotiated his and his sons release by promising several slaves upon their safe return home. And so it began. The first 10 slaves arrived in 1442. Then it was 30 in 1443. In 1444, Captain Eannes brought a boatload of 200 slaves back to Portugal. In 1446, Portuguese ships reached the mouth of the Gambia River. They were the first Europeans to sail that, too. In 1460 Prince Henry the Navigator died, but work continued at Sagres under the direction of Henrys nephew, King John II of Portugal. The institutes expeditions continued to venture south, then rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and sailed to the east and throughout Asia over the next few decades. The European Age of Discovery and Its Aftereffects The 100-year period from the mid-15th century to the mid-16th is called the European Age of Discovery or Age of Exploration, when Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and France sent out voyages to previously unknown lands and claim their resources for their country. The cheapest labor to work on plantations for crops such as sugar, tobacco, or cotton were slaves, brought on a triangular trade route, one brutal leg of which was known as the middle passage. Countries that are former colonies still suffer the aftereffects today, especially in Africa, where there is poor or inconsistent infrastructure in many areas. Some of the countries just gained their independence in the 20th century. Sources Dowling, Mike. Prince Henry the Navigator.â€Å"Henry the Navigator.†, AE Networks Television, 16 Mar. 2018, the Navigator. Encyclopedia of World Biography. the Navigator Facts. Allgarve, Promo Sangres, and Municipia do Bispo., Charles E., and Felipe Fernandez-Armesto. â€Å"Henry the Navigator.† Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 12 Nov. 2018, Portuguese Role in Exploring and Mapping the New World. Library of Congress. Henry the Navigator. PBS. /wgbh/aia/part1/1p259.html.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
25 Synonyms for Beginner
25 Synonyms for Beginner 25 Synonyms for â€Å"Beginner†25 Synonyms for â€Å"Beginner†By Mark Nichol There are a lot of terms used to identify a beginner many of them condescending or derogatory, so pay attention to connotation before employing any of these synonyms: 1. Abecedarian (from the Latin term abecedarius, â€Å"of the alphabet,†coined from linking the first four letters of the alphabet with vowels to form a pronounceable word): One in the early stages of learning. 2. Amateur (from the Latin term amator, â€Å"lover†): Someone who engages in an area of skill or expertise without remuneration, or, derogatorily, a person without experience or ability. 3. Apprentice (from the Latin term apprendere, â€Å"to learn†): One in the midst of hands-on training; originally denoting someone bound by a contract to train with a craftsperson, but now employed simply to refer to someone inexperienced. The term is used in a naval enlisted rank (â€Å"seaman apprentice†) and for the lowest level in Freemasonry (â€Å"entered apprentice†). 4. Babe (from the Middle English word coined in imitation of baby talk): An inexperienced person, with a condescending connotation of naivete. 5. Boot (from Anglo-French bote, â€Å"boot†): A US Navy or US Marine Corps recruit, perhaps from â€Å"boot camp†). Condescending. 6. Colt (from the Old English term for a young horse): A young, inexperienced person. Condescending. 7. Cub (from the word for a young animal): A young, inexperienced person, as in the expression â€Å"cub reporter,†referring to a new journalist. Condescending. 8. Fledgling (ultimately from Old English fleogan, â€Å"to fly†): Originally, use was confined to the literal meaning of â€Å"a young bird just learning to fly†; now, it is also a rare informal, condescending term for a young, inexperienced person (and is used to refer to a new enterprise). 9. Freshman (derived from fresh, as in â€Å"new to a situation,†and man): Originally referred only to a first-year student; now also denotes a politician or an athlete at the beginning of their career. 10. Greenhorn (from an obsolete English word referring to the new horns of a young horned mammal): Refers not only to a naive, inexperienced person but also to someone unfamiliar with customs or procedures. Condescending. 11. Layperson (from the Latin term laikos, â€Å"of the people†): A non-gender-specific variation of layman, originally denoting someone who is not a member of the clergy but now a general reference to someone who is not part of a particular profession or does not have expertise in a given subject matter. 12. Neophyte (from the Latin term neophytus, â€Å"newly planted†or â€Å"newly converted,†from the Greek word neophytos): A beginner or a convert. Mildly condescending. 13. Newbie (a diminutive noun derived from new): A person new to a place or situation, especially one unfamiliar with the conventions and etiquette of online interaction; a newer diminutive of this slang term is noob (or n00b, using zeros instead of the letter o, a variation often used in online conversation). Condescending or even derogatory. 14. Newcomer (a compound noun formed from new and come): Originally, one newly arrived to a location, but now a beginner in general. 15. Novice (from the Latin term novicius, â€Å"newly imported†): Originally, a probationary member of a religious organization, now generally someone with rudimentary skills. Depending on context, can be condescending. 16. Novitiate (see novice, above): A variation of novice, as well as a word for the condition of being a clerical novice, or the name of their residence. 17. Proselyte (from the Latin term proselytus, â€Å"foreign resident,†derived from the Greek word proselytos): A recent convert. 18. Probationer (from the Latin term probare, â€Å"approve†): Someone in the process of learning. 19. Punk (origin obscure): A young, inexperienced person, though it also has connotations pertaining to punk subculture and to sexuality. Derogatory. 20. Recruit (from the French term recrute, derived from recroistere, â€Å"to grow up again†): A newcomer; often used in a military or similar context. The term is used in the lowest naval enlisted rank (â€Å"seaman recruit†). Depending on context, can be condescending. 21. Rookie (uncertain; perhaps derived from recruit): One in his or her first year or years of experience, originally in the context of professional sports but now general in usage. (The back-formation rook is rare.) Depending on context, can be condescending. 22. Tenderfoot (a combination of tender and foot): Originally, someone new to a frontier area, unused to hardship; in the modern sense, a beginner. Condescending. 23. Trainee (from the Latin term traginare, â€Å"to draw†or â€Å"to train†): One learning a job or skill. 24. Tyro (from the Latin term tiro, â€Å"young soldier†): An inexperienced person. 25. Virgin (from the Latin term virgo, â€Å"young woman, virgin†): Originally a specific reference to a female with no sexual experience, now used lightheartedly to refer to someone new to a situation. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:English Grammar 101: All You Need to KnowBody Parts as Tools of MeasurementCapitalizing Titles of People and Groups
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Social Desirability Bias Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Social Desirability Bias - Essay Example Biasness is one sided in general and lacks neutral view point. Bias may be present in many forms. It is often treated as the synonyms to bigotry or prejudice (Kothari, 2007, p. 131). Social desirability bias Social desirability bias can be defined as the propensity of the respondents to answer to questions in such a fashion that is likely to be viewed as favourable by others. The respondent may exhibit Social desirability bias by over emphasizing on the good behaviour or under emphasizing on the bad behaviour. Therefore SDR poses a serious problem while conducting research work. Some of the research topics in which SDR is a real concern are personality, sexual behaviour, personal income, religion, drug use, self with, patriotism, and charity. People usually differ in the propensity in indulge in a socially desirable responding happens to be a real course of concern for the researcher. It literally makes it impossible for the researcher to distinguish between people responding in a mo re truthful of factual manner as compared to those deforming the answers (Bhattacharya, 2009, p. 201). Impact of bias on research Research or survey is by far the most useful and widely used way to study the behaviour of donors when it comes to charitable giving. However, the quality of the data is much known. It is believed that the donors are quite notorious when it comes to less accurate reporting of funds. Some may argue that it may happen due to the poor memory of the respondents. However, experts believe that it very well could be a deliberate effort made by the respondents to pump up the giving to appear a bit more generous than actual. Therefore it is not a surprise to the researchers to find out evidences of vast amount of discrepancies in charity giving studies during the similar time span. Examples of such discrepancies could be: total value of charitable giving not matching the level of income. Add to this the charity giving trends have also believed to be contradictory with one another. In the context of charitable giving the people usually want to sound a bit more socially orientated and altruistic than the actual. While responding to the questions of specific domain respondents bias the responses leading to social desirability. In case of charity it could be done to enhance the social image or to avoid any kind of embarrassment. Therefore if appropriate actions are not taken SDB is likely to contaminate the findings and affect decision making. After reviewing previous SDB researches, experts have found out two important loop holes. SDB is quite faintly conceptualized. In order to counter this issue some SD scales had been developed. However, without clear accord, it is difficult for researchers to select suitable social desirability scales. Many researchers have also indicated that the respondents misreporting are mainly coupled with differences in personality. The desire of the respondent to over report regarding charitable donations could be d ifferent from the other different socially desirable behaviours like recycling or voting (Goswami, 2010, p. 225). Some Measures to Reduce SDB SBBM SBBM has been found to be quite effective in minimizing the social desirability bias. In case of this method the interviewer reads out the questions from a questionnaire and respondents answer through a secret voting procedure using ballot box or slips. SBBM is a portable lightweight wooden box. It has a slot similar to the ballot box. The ballot slips are strips of papers with cross reference with the questionnaire. The interviewer reads the questions one at a time and the respondents put a circle in the voting slip. At the completion of the
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Standards of Care of a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Essay
The Standards of Care of a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis - Essay Example Proliferation of the synovial membrane and uncontrolled persistent inflammation are the characteristic features of RA which manifest as a symmetric arthritis affecting several small and large joints. Other symptoms include fatigue, articular stiffness, anorexia and fever. Complaint of pain and limited lifestyle are the characteristic features of the onset of the disease. If left untreated, the inflammation will result in serious life threatening conditions during its progression. Morbidity, progressive disability and hastened mortality feature the untreated disease conditions. As a result, it entails serious economic implications for both the patients and their families as well as society as the affected people are unable to continue in their employment with the same efficiency as before with their normal functioning of their palms, feet and gait seriously affected and progressively disfigured and disabled (Cush, Weinblatt, & Kavanaugh, 2010). According to National Audit Office, ther e are around 580,000 people afflicted with RA with additional 26,000 new cases every year. The disease affects people of age between 40 to 60 years with women who are three times more likely to be affected than men. The patient referred herein for treatment also happens to be a woman aged 40. This being an auto-immune disease, affects small joints of the hand and feet. If severe, it reduces life expectancy by 6-10 years as a result of co-morbidity through cardio-vascular diseases or side effects from treatment (Home & Carr, n.d.) The disease reduces the affected person’s work life by five years. Its annual cost to the U.K. economy is estimated to be between ? 3.8 and ? 4.75 billion (NationalAuditOffice, 2009). There are many institutions engaged in the care of RA with their own guidelines for treatment. British Society for Rheumatology (BSR, (n.d)),NHS (NHS, n.d.), National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) (NRAS, n.d.), The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (SCPOD, n .d.), The Musculoskeletal Services Framework (DeptOfHealth, 2006), NSF long-term conditions (DeptOfHealth, Department of Health, 2005), 18 week commissioning pathway (DeptOfHealth, Department of Health, 2006) and Podiatry rheumatic care associations (PodiatryRheumaticCareAssociation, n.d.) are the major sources of standards of care for RA conditions. They are complementary to one another and it is worthwhile referring to all of them while dealing with the patient affected by RA. Brief outline of care Two of the inevitable symptoms RA are joint pain and stiffness that manifest in the foot and ankle in the early stages. These symptoms also change during the course of progression of the disease (Helliwell, 2006). Since rheumatoid arthritis is not curable, the aim of care is to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life for the patient. Although multidisciplinary approach is resorted to, therapeutic interventions are the responsibility of rheumatoid specialist professionals. The patie nt involvement and empowerment are desirable for a successful outcome with the patient coping up with the course of treatment and lifestyle adaptations (Alexander, Fawcett, & Runcinman, 2006). For control of pain, analgesics such as paracetamol/aspirin, compound analgesics such as cocodamol to NSAIDs can be administered. Since NSAIDs are associated with gastrointestinal side-effects, cyclo-oxygenase (Cox) II group of NSAIDs are recommended so that side effects are at minimal levels. (Alexander, Fawce
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