Monday, September 30, 2019
Social Networking Is Bad for Teens
Imagine this: A utopian society that doesn’t have the dangers of cyber bullies or cyber bullying. No more headlines or news articles talking about the girl who killed herself because she was cyber bullied on a social networking site. In a society where you can relax and relinquish those thoughts at the back of your mind about what people think about you over that social networking site. Unfortunately, that’s fantasy, because teens are always using these sites, which can lead to a danger little by little every day.For those teens that abundantly use social networking sites, you may think it gives you jubilance and entertainment, but social networking sites are much worse than you think. Social networking is terrible for teenagers because it is distracting, it often leads to miscommunications and misunderstandings, and it is dangerous. To begin with, social networking is terrible because it is distracting to teenagers. Some teens that have homework to do are sometimes hoa rding the computer, social networking instead of doing their homework.When their parents would tell them to do their homework, they’ll say they’ll get to it. Do you think they were actually listening while commenting on their friend’s picture on Facebook? They were probably not. This distracting â€Å"obsession†can also have an effect on their English grammar. Some English teachers are disappointed to see some students use the â€Å"chat language†, which is commonly used in social networking sites. This includes: lol, btw, brb, ttyl, l8r, etc. Social networking can also lead to the loss of focus in school.According to News Today News, â€Å"[N]early half of the five hundred teachers surveyed believe that this [obsession] affects children’s ability to concentrate in class and follow the lessons. †Students can be distracted during a lesson, thinking about that person they sent a friend request to, or if anyone commented on their newly uploaded picture. This â€Å"obsession†about social networking is distracting to teens, and is preventing them to from getting back on track in school. Not only is social networking terrible because it is distracting, but it can also cause miscommunications and misunderstandings.Now imagine you have your birthday party coming up and you invite your new friend. The problem is that your new friend doesn’t know where your house is. Through Twitter, you give directions to your house. Your big day is here, and an hour later, your friend still didn’t show up. Eventually, you find out that she ended up somewhere else from the directions that were written in a kind of â€Å"chat language†that she couldn’t understand. The next thing you know is that you’re in a fight with your friend over a miscommunication through a social networking site.Fights commonly occur between teens through a miscommunication or a misunderstanding from a social networking site. Another conflict that could result in a fight is if you post a comment or upload a picture on a social networking site, and your friend takes it for something else and finds it offending. Maybe you were just trying to be sardonic, but that’s not how your friend saw it. One of the most common results for this misunderstanding is a fight between the two. There are so many miscommunications and misunderstandings that happen every day because of social networking sites.Besides social networking being terrible because of the many miscommunications and misunderstandings it causes, it can be terrible because it is very dangerous. The dangers of a social networking site can start with sending a friend request to someone that you don’t know. All you know is what’s written on their profile, but could all of that be true? Maybe they say they’re around your age and live near you, and you think they could be fun to hang out with. The reality is that they could be an ominous serial killer who’s three times your age, lives on the other side of the country, and is trying to track you down.That person can do this if you put too much information on your profile and make it public for everyone to see. On a social networking site, anyone can find you, if it’s either a family member or a complete stranger. Another danger is the dangers of cyber bullying. Very easily, someone at your school can post a comment about something embarrassing that happened to you for everyone to see. Once you know that everyone knows about that embarrassing incident, you don’t want to show your face anywhere anymore, and you just can’t go on. This can lead to suicidal thoughts, which is the dangerous part.Just because someone said something about you, it doesn’t mean that you should end everything right there. Still, many teens do try to end their life because of what people are saying about them through a social networking site, and they just can’t take in all of the bullying and cyber bullying from that. Social networking sites come in a package deal: either you get it with accepting all the dangers, or you don’t get it at all. Social networking is a big problem in our modern-day society, but there can be a solution to that. The problem is that many teens don’t try.That’s why social networking is terrible for teenagers; it is a distraction that they can’t get away from, it can cause miscommunications and misunderstandings that can’t be fixed because some teens don’t know how to deal with their feelings, and it has so many dangers that teens don’t know how to react to. There could be many ways to end the negative side of social networking, but many people don’t try. To those who abundantly use social networking sites, now is the time to face the facts. Try to put an end to the distractions, the miscommunications and misunderstandings, and the danger s.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Busi 650-ILP Final Essay
Table of Contents I. Abstract II. Organizational Setting III. Key Concepts a. Quality b. Total Quality Management c. Innovation d. Strategy Map e. Balanced Scorecard f. Six Sigma g. Bench Marking h. Inventory Management IV. Conclusion V. References Abstract The main purpose of the Integrative Learning Project (ILP) is to introduce an authentic or fabricated company/industry to research. The company’s organizational setting includes the mission statement of the company, who the internal/external customers are, what aspects can be contributed to achieve the organizations mission, and what role Christianity has with the organization. The research includes using eight different concepts learned throughout the course, explaining in detail how these concepts relate to the organization and the benefits the concepts offer to the organization, and what needs to be done to implement these concepts into the organization successfully. This ILP will prove that a successful business can be run effectively and efficiently when implementing the key concepts. Organizational Setting Dover Saddlery, Inc. is a leading specialty retailer in the English-style horseback riding industry in the United States. The company offers a large selection of quality and premium equestrian products to care for, ride, train, and compete a horse. Founded in 1975 by Jim and David Powers, the company has grown to be the largest multi-channel marketer of premier equestrian products by selling through direct and retail sales. The company serves the English rider through Dover Saddlery and the western rider through Smith Brothers. The company sells their products using catalogs, the internet, and retail stores. The product line includes a variety of items such as tack, horse clothing, horse health, footwear, and specialized apparel. Dover Saddlery, Inc. is headquartered in Littleton, MA, including a warehouse and call center facility. The company has 18 retail locations in Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolin a, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia. The company’s third quarter 2013 total revenues were $63.6 million, a 6.4% increase from the $59.7 million achieved in the corresponding period. Dover Saddlery, Inc. stock trades on the NASDAQ Stock Market under the symbol DOVR. The company’s mission is to grow the business by providing a broad variety of quality and most advanced equestrian apparel, equipment, stable, and horse care products to all equestrians, while operating efficiently and being profitable. The company carries 5,800 items comprising of approximately 28,000 different SKU’s. The company carries entry-level price points to the premium high-end price points to meet the wide range of customer needs and expectations. The company carries a distinctive and broad selection of need-based and high quality products at competitive prices with prompt order fulfillment ability. The company differentiates itself from competitors by their large inventory consisting of non-branded products, private label products, and premium brands. The current equestrian products market is estimated by the American Horse Council at $7.6 billion with an estimated 9.2 millions horses in the United States. American Sports Data estimates that over 16.8 mill ion people ride horses. The equestrian industry has many indicators that the equestrian products industry will continue to grow. The company is known for their excellence in customer service and large comprehensive selection. The company promotes a culture of courteous, knowledgeable, and prompt customer service representatives. 90% of the sales and customer service representatives are horse enthusiast. The company offers customers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. The company has one of the largest detailed customer databases. The database consists of customers that have purchased items with the last 12 months and their demographic information. The use of the catalog, internet, and retail stores has enabled the company to capture customer information, cross-market products, and provide a convenient shopping experience for customers. The company’s customers are primarily females with a passion for the riding sport. The customers are affluent and luxury oriented who tend to choose to buy from the company for the high quality and premier products. The customer base shows high repurchase rates and has been ve ry loyal customers. The role Christianity has in this organization is customer service is essential and Matthew 10:31 states, â€Å"Fear not, therefore; you are more value than many sparrows†(ESV). In the service industry, customer satisfaction is key and the company has to recruit the right people and reward them for there expertise. Colossians 3:23-24 states, â€Å"23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving†(New International Version). Another verse that can be applied in this organization is 1 Peter 4:10, â€Å"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace†. The company uses the gifts God gives us and pass them on to consumers to benefit from. The role of Christianity plays a great role in this company. Key Concepts The first key concept that is applicable to Dover Saddlery is Quality. Quality has a huge impact on the quality of products and the success of the organization. According to Dinh, Igel, & Laosirihongthong (2010), â€Å"quality, considered a key strategic factor in achieving business success, is more than ever required for competing successfully in today’s global marketplace and it has become the key slogan as organizations strive for a competitive advantage in markets characterized by liberalization, globalization, and knowledgeable customers†(p. 931). The design and performance of the product are two very important concepts of quality. Quality should start with the customer, the experience the customer has with the product or service will impact the customer’s satisfaction with the total experience. The management and control of the quality of the products and services is very important to the success of the organization. It is very important for organizations to implement a quality assurance program (QAP) to ensure the quality of the products and services. According to Rouse (2007): In developing products and services, quality assurance is any systematic process of checking to see whether a product or service being developed is meeting specified requirements. Many companies have a separate department devoted to quality assurance. A quality assurance system is said to increase customer confidence and a company’s credibility, to improve work processes and efficiency, and to enable a company to better compete with others. Quality assurance was initially introduced in World War II when munitions were inspected and tested for defects after they were made. Today’s quality assurance systems emphasize catching defects before they get into the final product (Quality Assurance). There are many advantages for the company to have a QAP in place, include a competitive advantage, increase in sales and market share, increased customer sat isfaction, better management control, clearly defined organizational tasks, structure, and responsibilities, more effective recalls, and price premium (Aramyan, Meuwissen, Oude Lansink, van der Vorst, van Kooten, & van der Lans, 2009, p. 624). According to Yang (2006) â€Å"several studies on quality management have demonstrated that delivering superior service quality enhances productivity, reduces costs, increases customer loyalty, improves market share, and brings other general benefits to a service organization (p.1129). The QAP helps fulfill the needs and expectations of the customers and improves the quality of the products and services. The second key concept that is applicable to the company is total quality management (TQM). According to Richards (2012), TQM can be defined as an integrative approach to management that supports the attainment of customer satisfaction through a wide variety of tools and techniques that the end result is higher quality of goods and services (p. 37). TQM is an organizational-wide concept of continuous improvement to ensure the products and services exceed their customers’ expectations. According to Richards (2012), â€Å"this kind of quality management requires the company to always check to make sure that product or service is at the standard that both the company and customer wants is maintained†(p. 37). Exceeding the internal and external customers satisfaction is a key focus of TQM. According to Talib, et al. (2011), TQM â€Å"has received a great attention due to its effectiveness in achieving sustainable competitive advantage and enhanced business performanceâ₠¬ (p. 1331). TQM is â€Å"a total look at the quality of the organization†(Richards, 2012, p. 41). â€Å"All service industries should seek to adopt and implement TQM so that proactive identification and response to needed changes can lead to continuous improvement†(Talib, et al. 2011). â€Å"Quality-conscious companies normally have a strong quality culture, which is helpful for achieving customer satisfaction†(Delgado-Hernandez & Aspinwall, 2008, p.1016). The practice of TQM can grow a company to have a sustainable advantage in local and international markets (Richards, 2012, p. 36). The third key concept that is applicable to the company is innovation. â€Å"In the modern business world, innovation is just as important as quality, so they must go hand and hand and one complements each other†(Perodomo-Ortiz, et al. 2009, p.5088). Innovation is one if the driving forces of a successful business and allows an organization to introduce new and improve products in the market place. According to Bigliardi (2013), innovation is a complex phenomenon that involves the production, diffusion and translation of knowledge in new or modified products or services, or the development of new production processing techniques. Innovation is very important to the success of an organization, it creates jobs and promotes the growth of organizations. The fourth key concept that is applicable to the company is the strategy map. As a strategic part of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), a strategy map provides an organization â€Å"with a tool that helps them better monitor important details about their strategic business processes, thereby enhancing their employees’ understanding of the strategy interactions, which in turn facilitates implementing the business strategy†(Meredith and Shafer, 2013, pg. 99). According to Kaplan and Norton (2004), â€Å"the strategy map provides the visual framework for integrating the organization’s objectives in the four perspectives of a Balanced Scorecard†(pg.45). According to Markiewicz (2013), a strategy map is a tool integrating the developed strategy with operating activities of various organizational units operating in an organization. A specific feature of strategy map is that it describes in a clear manner the process of creating values in organization by indicating a number of cause and effect relationships between four perspectives (learning and growth, intemal-business-processes, customer, financial) and goals adopted within these perspectives. (pg. 161-162) The four perspectives a strategy map addresses include the financial perspective, the customer perspective, the internal business process perspective, and the learning and growing perspective. According to Markiewicz (2013), a strategy map â€Å"enables illustration of cause-and-effect relationship between the processes in all four perspectives and performance indicators at the organizational level. Strategy map and performance indicators at the organizational level constitute the basis for different departments when preparing their individual effectiveness indicators†(pg. 160). The top of a strategy map is the goal that has been specified by management, the next step is how the goal be accomplished, and the remainder of the map shows the cause-and-effect relationships that manag ement has developed on how the goal can be accomplished. The strategy map is used very frequently by all organizations as a simple strategy development tool by management to report the progress of the strategy implemented in their organization to achieve its vision or mission. The strategy map is a powerful technique that can be applied to any type of business from a public sector organization to a non-profit organization. It is very important to organizations because it encourages its managers to think logically about the elements of their strategy and how the strategic elements interact. This effective tool ensures the managers understand the role of the strategy and how the effective strategy embraces all of the organization’s activities. According to Umayal Karpagam and Suganthi (2012), the strategy map describes â€Å"how the four perspectives: financial, customer, internal process, learning and growth are linked and how they create a balance between the more tangible outcomes through intangible resources†(pg. 7). The fifth key concept that is applicable to the company is the balanced scorecard. Kaskey (2013) says the balanced scorecard â€Å"provides an organization with ways to develop and evaluate strategic objectives and goals†(pg. 22). The balanced scorecard uses financial and nonfinancial strategic information and is â€Å"an accounting report that includes the firm’s critical success factors in four areas: financial performance, customer satisfaction, internal processes, and learning and growth†(Blocher, Stout, Juras, & Cokins, 2013, pg. 11). The benefits of the scorecard include ability to implement strategy, ability to track the process of the organization in their achievement of the strategic goals, the organization’s ability to determine manager’s compensation, achieving organizational change, and the ability to achieve the critical success factors. According to Werner and Fuyuan (2012), â€Å"when the score card is adopted, employees become awa re that their performance will be judged based on these measures and targets. Accordingly, employees will act to achieve the established performance targets†(pg. 92). The balanced scorecard is a critical tool for organizations in todays challenging and competitive business environment. It is very important for organizations to achieve its critical success factors to help the overall performance of the organization and to stay competitive. The sixth key concept that is applicable to the company is Six Sigma. This concept is a strategy to increase employee engagement that will then increase customer satisfaction. According to Meredith and Shafer (2013), six sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving, sustaining and maximizing business success. Six Sigma is uniquely driven by close understanding of customer needs, disciplined use of facts, data, and statistical analysis, and diligent attention to managing, improving, and reinventing business processes. (Page 129) This method is an inspiring factor for employees and employees have to be completely engaged in the program for it to be successful and impact employee satisfaction. Six Sigma has been embraced by many organizations, that drive’s improvements in processes, products, and services. When implementing the Six Sigma approach, first provide necessary leadership and resources, implement a reward system, provide ingoing training, select early p rojects, break up difficult projects, and avoid employee layoffs. â€Å"Six sigma’s popularity and success is catching fire throughout the service industry across the globe as no other process improvement (PI) movement before (Sunder, 2013, pg. 34). The seventh key concept that is applicable to the company is benchmarking. According to Cruceru (2013), benchmarking is â€Å"viewed as a continuous process of evaluation of products, services, processes and performance of competitors in order to obtain competitive advantage, benchmarking involves knowledge of all elements occurring when implementing in practice†(pg. 6). Benchmarking is a strategy where the desire to be competitive is a challenge for managers to become knowledgeable and analyze their competitors in the industry and implement competitive strategies to be successful. According to Meredith and Shafer (2013), benchmarking is used for a variety of purposes, including the following: Comparing an organization’s processes with the best organization’s processes. Comparing an organization’s product and services with those of other organizations. Identifying the best practices to emulate. Projecting trends in order to be able to respond proactively to future challenges and opportunities. (pg.133) Benchmarking involves three steps: the first step is concerned with preparing the study, the second step is collecting the data, and the third and final step is what was learned to improve the organization. This process has become one of the most valuable processes to identify performance improvement areas. Benchmarking allows an organization to analyze and improve performance, profitability, business processes, and market share. There are many types of benchmarking including: process benchmarking-compares business processes and operations, product benchmarking-compares products and services, strategic benchmarking-compares organizational structures, internal benchmarking-internal comparison, competitive benchmarking-comparison of direct competitors, functional benchmarking- comparison of organizations in the same field, and generic benchmarking- comparison of the best com petitor in other fields. According to Cruceru (2013), â€Å"those competitors who will know to focus on benchmarking implementation in management and marketing activities of the organization will achieve increased performance and competitiveness in terms comparable to the best competitors of the time†(pg. 9). Appendix A In order to implement benchmarking in Dover Saddlery the following steps are needed: 1. Understand the company’s current process performance gaps. 2. Obtain support and approval from the executive leadership team 3. Document benchmarking objectives and scope; document the original process. 4. Agree on the primary metrics and put them in writing. 5. Agree on what to benchmark. 6. Develop a data collection plan. 7. Identify research sources and initiate data gathering. 8. Determine how to contact and screen companies. 9. Design a detailed survey to gather information. 10. Decide if gathered information meets original objectives. 11. Conduct a site visit. 12. Apply the learning to performance gaps. 13. Communicate to the executive leadership to ensure continued support. 14. Develop a recommended implementation plan with process owner. 15. Know when to update and recalibrate. The eighth key concept that is applicable to the company is inventory management. Inventory management is extremely important for the success of a organization and having the correct number of items in inventory that is necessary for operation is vital for inventory management. According to Chen (2011), â€Å"the inventory in an organization may contain a large amount of items. A logical inventory classification is necessary for managers to have efficient plan and control of the items†(pg. 1702). Inventory management can be a challenge for any business, but can be even more important for businesses with changing product life cycles or product needs. The development of information systems, has eased some challenges faced with inventory management. The introduction of advanced information system, which aim at better performance than manual product identification and inventory data-keeping procedures, hold much promise for the reduction of inventory inaccuracies. Inventories include work-in-process, raw materials, finished goods, component parts, and so on. By eliminating storage space to business is not only saving on space but also removing defective parts from being hidden until no one knows who had made them (Meredith & Shafer, 2013, p. 176). Appendix B Inventory An additional way that we differentiate ourselves from our competition is through our breadth and depth of inventory. We believe our inventory is deeper than our competitors with $10.1 million in on-hand inventory as of December 31, 2005 and more than 5,800 items comprising approximately 28,000 different SKUs. With our extensive inventory position and rapid fulfillment capability, we have historically been able to fill approximately 95% of the items ordered within an average of 1.5 business days. Based on our inventory management systems, continuous monitoring of the products we carry and the fact that we carry very few fashion products, we have historically had very little obsolete inventory. Despite the high level of inventory we have historically maintained, we have turned inventory approximately four times per year and we historically have had no material inventory write-downs. All of the products that are presented in our catalogs are available online and customers can use our websites to enter orders, shop online and check order status and inventory availability. On average, our retail stores stock inventory items represent over 70% of the merchandise sales we make available through our direct sales channel. All items are available to customers entering our stores by either direct shipment to a customer’s home or for in-store pickup. Conclusion Dover Saddlery is a company that prides on their success and always providing 100% customer service to their customers. Utilizing these eight key concepts, along with successful implementation into the company’s initiatives, they will produce overall success and a winning organization. References Aramyan, L. H., Meuwissen, M. M., Oude Lansink, A. M., van der Vorst, J. J., van Kooten, O., & van der Lans, I. A. (2009). The perceived impacts of quality assurance systems on tomato supply chain performance. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 20(6), 633-653. Bigliardi, B. (2013). The effect of innovation on financial performance: A research study involving SMEs. Innovation: Management Policy & Practice, 15(2): 245-256. Blocher, E. J., Stout, D. E., Juras, P. E., and Cokins, G. (2013) Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis (6th Ed). McGraw Hill: New York, NY. Chen, J. (2012). Multiple criteria ABC inventory classification using two virtual items. International Journal Of Production Research, 50(6), 1702-1713. Cruceru, A. (2013). Benchmarking – a method of improving organizational competitiveness. Romanian Journal Of Marketing, (1), 6-9. Delgado-Hernandez, D., & Aspinwall, E. (2008). A framework for building quality into construction projects – Part I. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 19(10), 1013-1028. Dinh Thai, H., Igel, B., & Laosirihongthong, T. (2010). Total quality management (TQM) strategy and organizational characteristics: Evidence from a recent WTO member. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 21(9), 931-951. Inventory. (2011). Appendix B of Dover Saddlery, Inc. Retrieved from Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (2004). How Strategy Maps Frame an Organization’s Objectives. Financial Executive, 20(2), 40-45. Kaskey, V. L. (2013). The Balanced Scorecard: A Comparative Study of Accounting Education and Experience on Common Measure Bias. Advances In Management, 6(7), 22-25. Markiewicz, P. (2013). Methodical Aspects of Applying Strategy Map in an Organization. Business, Management & Education / Verslas, Vadyba Ir Studijos, 11(1), 153-167. Meredith, J. R., & Shafer , S. M. (2013). Operations management for MBAs (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Perdomo-Ortiz, J., Gonzalez-Benito, J., & Galende, J. (2009). The intervening effect of business innovation capability on the relationship between Total Quality Management and technological innovation. International Journal Of Production Research, 47(18), 5087-5107. Richards, J. (2012). Total Quality Management. Business Management & Strategy, 3(2), 36-42. Rouse, M. (2007, Feb). Quality Assurance (QA). Retrieved from Sunder, V. (2013). Six Sigma A Strategy for Increasing Employee Engagement. Journal for Quality & Participation, 36(2), 34-38. 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Saturday, September 28, 2019
Arab-Israeli Conflict Essays - Zionism, Land Of Israel, Free Essays
Arab-Israeli Conflict The Arab-Israeli conflict came about from the notion of Political Zionism. Zionism is the belief that Jews constitute a nation (or a people) and that they deserve the right to return to what they consider to be their ancestral home, land of Israel (or Palestine). Political Zionism, the belief that Jews should establish a state for themselves in Palestine, was a revolutionary idea for the 19th Century. During World War I, Jews supported countries that constituted the Central Powers because they detested the tyranny of czarist Russia. Both the Allies and Central Powers needed Jewish support, but Germany could not espouse Zionism due to its ties with the Ottoman Empire, which still controlled Palestine. British Prime Minister Lloyd George & Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour, favored Zionism and supported their cause in a letter that became known as the Balfour Declaration, ensuring that the British government would control Palestine after the war with a commitment to build the Jewish national home there, promising only to work for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine and not harm the civil and religious rights of Palestines "existing non-Jewish communities". After the Great War, Britains Forces jointly occupied the area known as Palestine with Faysals (Iraq) Arab army. The British set up a provisional military government in Jerusalem that soon became a struggle between Jewish settlers and the Arab inhabitants. In April 1920, the Palestinian Arabs revolted, killing Jews and damaging property, opening the Arab nationalist revolution in Palestine. The League of Nations awarded the Palestine mandate in 1922, charging Britain with carrying out the Balfour Declaration, encouraging Jewish migration to Palestine and help create the Jewish "national home". But the Arabs suspected the British mandate would hold them in colonial bondage until the Jews achieved a majority in Palestine. Winston Churchill issued a white paper denying that the British government meant to give preferential treatment to Jews with a proviso for restricting Jewish immigration to conform with Palestines "absorptive capacity". Another action that seemed to violate the mandate was the creation of the Emirate of Transjordan, removing two-thirds of Palestine that lay east of the Jordan River from the area in which Jews could develop their national home, claiming the partition was only temporary. During the first civilian governor of Palestine, it looked as if Jewish-Arab differences would be resolved when more Jews emigrated out of Palestine than immigrated and with the presence of a complementary relationship among the two peoples, but the hopes dissipated during the 1929 "Wailing Wall Incident". The Wailing Wall (a.k.a. the Western Wall) is a remnant of the second Jewish Temple, symbolizing the hope that one day the Temple will be rebuilt and the ancient Jewish rituals revived; but the Wall also forms a part of the enclosure surrounding the Temple Mount, which the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa mosque stand atop; Muslims feared that Jewish actions before the Western Wall could lead to their pressing a claim to the historic site. In 1928, Jewish worshipers brought some benches to sit on. The police took them away several times, but the Jews kept putting them back. To Muslims, this activity was an attempt by the Jews to strengthen their claims to the Wall and retaliated by running a highway past it to distract the worshipers. Several fights broke out that escalated into a small civil war. Arabs perpetrated massacres in other places in Palestine. The British constabulary was inadequate and Britain sent a commission of inquiry; later issuing a report that justified the Arab position. The colonial secretary, Lord Passfield, placed blame on the Jewish Agency and the Zionists, and Britain tightened restrictions on Jewish immigration. Due to domestic embarrassment, the British government issued a letter explaining away the Passfield condemnation, hardly appeasing the Zionists, but angering the Arabs. As Arab animosity increased, the Arab Higher Committee in Palestine called for a general strike, paralyzing the country for several months. The British sent another commission of inquiry, headed by Lord Peel, which recommended partition, giving a small area of northern and central Palestine to the Jews, while leaving the most to Arabs. But the Palestine Arabs opposed the partition, fearing its acceptance would be a step toward their loss of Palestine. Britain scaled
Friday, September 27, 2019
XBIS ASSIGNENT WK6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
XBIS ASSIGNENT WK6 - Essay Example In fact, Club IT is now selling advance tickets for Friday and Saturday night concerts online. However, it is quite clear that only a few nightclubs have ventured in e-commerce activities. Hence, there is an opportunity to maximize this initiative in the nightclubs for a better competitive advantage and efficiency in the business. Indeed, there are wide opportunities to streamline the ordering process via Business-to- Business e-commerce. There are various project development methodologies. However, before choosing any methodology it is advisable to devise a workable plan to analyze the expected costs and benefits of the available methodologies. Actually, information systems are dependent on organizational planning in relation to its performance as compared to other business competitors. As such, a cost- benefit analysis is fundamental for any project development methodology. We have five project development methodologies that include buying the applications, developing them, leasing them, outsourcing them, using open-source software, or using software-as-a-service (Rue & and Byars, 2006). I opt to use the leasing method as the backbone of my analysis on Club IT. Club IT is a Small- medium enterprise, which can hardly afford major investments in IT software. Hence, the leasing methodology will be suitable for it. Since the company would prefer software that will cover its requirements, the lease methodology will avai l to the company the software with dominant features which will save Club IT both time and money in developing. In evaluating the methodology, Club IT can apply the 80/20 rule that will enable the company to customize its system in case of technological advancements. Additionally, since Club IT is a Small- medium enterprise, it has inadequate supply of IT personnel to develop customized IT applications befitting the company,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Who moved my cheese by Spencer Johnson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Who moved my cheese by Spencer Johnson - Essay Example They succeeded in finding it. Only because of the presence of cheese, that place becomes their place of interest. They keep on enjoying it. On such a fine day they find no cheese there. But they spend time with their old habits expecting the return of the cheese. Sniff and Scurry explores the maze for new cheese. Hem and Haw are a bit worried. The ’Cheese’ referred to in the story is a metaphor which stands for something a man wish to have with him till the end of his life .It may be some pleasant relationship, money ,peace of mind etc. We people are sometimes like Hem who denies the truth, and sometimes like Haw who first accepts the truth. Of course change is painful. Alteration is hard to adjust because of the inflexibility of the human nature. Tearing up the one which is near and dear is a throbbing experience. Haw adapts to change soon expecting something new which can give more contentment. Haw goes out in search of cheese. At that time he finds Sniff and Scurry already enjoying new cheese. According to Marcus Antonius â€Å"the universe is change, our life is what our thoughts make it.†This book illustrates how people foresee life, and prepare t hemselves for the change. Such people start searching for new alternatives before the actual change comes. Sometimes we have to hunt for the cheese. The envision of a person about life empowers him for the hunting. The simple but practical way of success is simply accepting it. A person who wants to grow should know how to manage life. Life is the change from the state of being and change is a regular process. The unexpected is always expected from life. If we are trained by ourselves to adjust with changes or to emancipate a better way of life due to change, then success will be our companion. We have to change our way of life when the cheese is found lost. The steps we follow, and the time taken for a twist is also important. When we are in the new ‘maze†we feel some
Curriculum Staff Development Plan Research Paper
Curriculum Staff Development Plan - Research Paper Example Subgroups performances According to TAK’s statistics, percentage of the white students passing the mathematics exam is higher than that of black and Hispanics students. TAK’s 2011 statistics indicates that across ethnic groups, the passing scores for algebra ranged from 85% to 92 %, and geometry ranged from 81% to 91% (Valencia, 2011). Whites had the best performance illustrated by the passing rate of 69% in algebra and 80% in geometry. The Hispanic group comes second with a passing rate of 48% in Algebra and 58% in geometry while blacks had the poorest performance indicated by TAK’s passing rate of 42% in Algebra and 50% in geometry (Valencia, 2011). Considering the performance in the grade 10 level, males had a higher passing rate than females. Females had a passing rate of 55% in algebra and 66% in geometry while males had a passing rate of 56% in algebra and 68% in geometry (Valencia, 2011). Staff Development Plan As evident from the statistics, the performan ce presented by the group varies among different subpopulations. This explains that the staff development plan should equip teachers with the skills for managing diversities. Consequently, the plan will enroll teachers to programs aimed at enhancing their diversity management skills. This is essential since an approach effective to one group may fail to be productive for the other (English, 2000). As such, the plan will initially seek to examine probable differences leading to poor performances to devise ideal strategies for managing every challenge. According to Even and Ball (2009), poor diversity management skills present a considerable challenge to most teachers. This has the potential of undermining their productivity. This plan will emphasize the need of managing diversities effectively to make teachers appreciate the idea. Such an approach would be effective since it would develop teachers, making them understands their students. Siena (2009) affirms that teachers who have di versity management skills can comfortably identify ideal solutions for addressing challenges that undermine their efforts. Studies affirm that a productive strategy that can help teachers improve the performance of their students is restructuring their teaching styles. This plan will allow teachers to utilize this strategy in enhancing their productivity. A study edited by Even and Ball (2009) suggests that teachers may create change by restructuring their classroom, by changing the topic or their teaching plan, by emphasizing diverse interpersonal skills or by promoting an attitude change. However, studies indicate that most teachers fail to evolve enough, so their classrooms stagnate. Siena (2009) argues that teachers should be trained on how to integrate curriculum effectively, and institutions can develop their education standards by providing teacher-training programs. Notably, diminishing flexibility is an influential factor contributing to poor performances noted in most curr iculum systems. Studies suggest that the poor performance presented in TAKs State exams is attributable to a rigid curriculum followed by the education system. Teachers continue to use outdated teaching aids, which fail to blend well with the contemporary ideas, so students have difficulties in comprehending subjects’
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Attend the Metropolitan Museum of Art and select one Italian Research Paper
Attend the Metropolitan Museum of Art and select one Italian Renaissance and one Northern Renaissance piece of art - Research Paper Example The above painting was done by Duccio di Buoninsegna, a renaissance Italian artist. The painting shows an intensely personal touch done by the artist, Duccio, on the masterpiece entitled â€Å"the Madonna and Child†. The painting was done in tempera and gold on wood. The title of the painting is Stroganoff Madonna. The painting was bought by the Metropolitan Museum for an estimated $45 million. This is one of the main masterpiece attractions of the Metropolitan Museum. The painting was bought during November 2004 from a Christie’s auction sale held in London. The painting was done by the Italian Sienese Renaissance artist, Duccio di Buoninsegna. The painting is done on Tempera and Gold on wood with its original frame still intact. In addition, Duccio is one of the two originators of the Western European Paintings. This is one of the rare solo paintings of the Italian artist. This is one of the complete and independent works of the artist. The painting above shows tellta le signs of the artist’s intensely personal painting style grounded on the Italian Renaissance trademarks of proportion, anatomy, and perspective. His masterpieces are filled with life fused with Byzantine culture. The painting is endowed with the Franciscan movement’s religious trimmings. ... Giotto was an immediate fan of Giotto’s painting style. The Giotto fresco of Saint Francis was grounded on Byzantine and medieval culture. In response, Duccio created his own art culture. The new culture is known as the Renaissance. Duccio’s Renaissance painting style focused on human sentiment, emotional response, lyricism, as well as color sensitivity. This is very evident in the above painting, Stroganoff Madonna and Child. The painting was intended for private devotion; the small panel shows that it was meant for private viewing. Northern Renaissance Painting (Metropolitan Museum) The wood cut entitled â€Å"Rhinoceros†is one of the Northern Renaissance painting displayed in the Metropolitan Museum. The masterpiece was done by the renaissance artist, Albrecht Durer. The masterpiece was done during in 1515. The picture shows an Indian Rhinoceros. Durer painted the masterpiece based on his won written description as well as the discussion of another artist. Th e Rhinoceros By Albrecht Durer In terms of the above picture, the Rhinoceros is a wood cut art masterpiece; it is distinctly displayed in the Metropolitan Museum. The wood cut was created by Albrecht Durer to celebrate the arrival in Lisbon of the Indian Rhinoceros animal on 20 May 1515. The wood cut vividly incorporates the proportion, anatomy, and perspective essences of Northern Italian renaissance art, incorporated from the Italian masters when Albrecht Durer visited and studied the uniqueness and personal intensity of the Italian renaissance artists. Further, the painting is based on the rhinoceros story. The ruler of Gujarat, Sultan Muzafar II (1511 -1526) gave the rhinoceros to the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Impact of Urban Industrialization on Early Twentieth-Century Art Research Paper
The Impact of Urban Industrialization on Early Twentieth-Century Art - Research Paper Example The two depictions of labourers through the work of Courbet and Manet are very different in scope and social setting. The labourers in the Courbet piece, The Stone Breakers (1848-1850) are labourers in the field, the reflection of his background as having been raised in a farming family evident in his depiction of labour. The Manet piece, Olympia (1863) shows a woman servant, her job doting on the subject of the piece and presenting a very different version of work. Where the labourers of Courbet are creating and achieving, the Manet piece reflects an indulgence and luxury. Manet’s family was financially wealthy, thus his exposure to servants may have been different than Courbet, although his family undoubtedly had them as well. Manet lived an urban life where Courbet lived a rural life during his youth. The French Revolution of 1848 was about to work and labour, thus allowing for the paintings to provide context for the political aesthetics and issues of the time period. Pari s was being built to reflect less of an indulgence and more of the socially relevant economic problems of the time, thus these paintings contribute to that discourse, even in the more indulgent nature of Manet’s work. In comparison to Caillebotte’s Floor Scapers (1875), the pieces are less activated, where Caillebotte’s view of labour was much more intensely positioned. The workers are engaged in hard labour, where the work of Courbet and Manet do not show this same activation. In discussing urban industrialization, the work of Umberto Boccioni and Ernst Ludwig Kirschner provides context for the changes that were being experienced at the turn of the 20th century.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Business Policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Policy - Assignment Example KG). Swan Malaysia Sdn Bhd is one of the three production facilities of the Schwan-STABILO Group "that guarantee the best materials and resources, workmanship and experienced staff" (Swan Malaysia Sdn Bhd). It is the goal of this paper to analyze the particular external environment of STABILO Malaysia or the Swan Malaysia Sdn Bhd subsidiary as an aid to better business policy. Effective management and evaluation tools such as the PEST Analysis, The Porter's Five Forces Analysis, the Competitor Analysis and the Market Trend Analysis will all be done in this particular case. The external environment may seem out of company's control as the political, economic, social and technological climate are determined by outside factors, but the responsibility to forecast, adjust and reconcile the company's direction to them is within the company's scope and capability. Political. Malaysia espouses the Parliamentary democracy, with a constitutional monarch, the King of Malaysia as the head of state and the government administration divided among the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches (Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit, 2010). The countr The country's judiciary in Malaysia is said to be not independent as there seems to be "excessive influence of the executive over the judiciary, especially in politically motivated cases" thus foreigners cannot be guaranteed an impartial trial from the country's judiciary (, 2008). As to tax rates, the coutnry requires to Value Added Tax (VAT), but there is a sales tax which is normally at 5%, except for cigarette which is taxed 25% and wine and beer which is taxed at 20% (, 2008). For corporation, capital gains tax range from 0% to 28% (, 2008). Economic. Malaysia is one of the growing economies in Asia. Although it posted a -2.8% growth rate in 2010 its inflation rate was moderate at 0.4% in the same year (IndexMundi, 2010). Malaysia Ringgit is a relatively strong currency, which is currently exhcanged for 3.26 to 1.00 USD compared to Philippines' 45.9 to 1.00 USD (, 2010). Malaysia's competitive ranking surged to 10th compared to 18th a year ago "as the country benefited from strong demand from Asia as well as implementation of efficient policies, especially government policies" (Sidhu, 2010). Investment banker attributes the leap from the government's strong commitment to "reshapre the country's competitive landscape" (Sidhu, 2010). The ranking which was based from four main criteria including economic performance, governmen efficiency, business, efficiency and infrastructure is expected to boost the country's private investment (Sidhu, 2010). Social. The country currently houses 28.96 million individuals, with a projected average growth rate of 1.6% per year, a figure which is lower than the previous years and is primarily attributed Malaysians' decision to delay marriage and pursue higher education and career advancement (, 2010 cited in Department of statistic and economic planning unit). 63.6% of the population is from 15-64 years old, 31.7% aged
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Crossing Borders - Interracial Dating Essay Example for Free
Crossing Borders Interracial Dating Essay In the hodge-podge of American culture you are bound to find interracial dating. There are many differences between people. One that is obvious to the naked eye is the difference of race. In the society that we live in it is sometimes difficult for people of different races to be a couple. The Dominant Culture puts out an invisible border that separates people of different races. In an experiment that I did with a white friend named Michelle, we went out as a couple. Me being Indian and her being Caucasian posed some difficulties for some people to understand. We first went to a park and decided that we would just sit on the swings. There was another little Caucasian girl next to us. The next thing I saw really surprised me and Michelle. The mother of that little girl came and quickly grabbed her daughter and brought her to another part of the playground. All along, the mother looked at me and Michelle in a weird way. After that, we went to the shopping mall. Keeping in mind that we are in a predominantly white suburb, we held hands at the stores. People looked at us as if we were from another planet. I guess they could not believe that an Indian guy and a white girl could be going out on a date. We even brought another one of my friends to see the reaction of other people that me and Michelle could not see. Our other friend, Jim, said that many people kept on starring at us. Also that some people were whispering about us after they had passed us up. This really was a surprise to me. This experiment that I did was a real eye-opener because it gave me the evidence that people really were not happy seeing different races dating. Although this is not the opinion of all people, it seemed to be the opinion of a quite a number of people. These people are what keep the invisible border present in society. The real question that I asked myself is why this happened. One conclusion I came to was that since this was a primarily white suburb, people would not be too open to different races just being there. If someone different from them was to come into their society, it would be natural for them to not accept them. Especially in a situation that involved dating, people would be closed minded. Not only would they want themselves having nothing to do with interracial dating, they would want others of their same race not to be involved with interracial dating. The white people in this suburb probably looked down upon Michelle for being with an Indian guy. Furthermore, the events of September 11th did not help this situation either. Ever since that date, Indian people have been clumped into the whole middle-eastern terrorist category. This just gives the people of this suburb a reason to denounce me and our relationship. Much of this anger comes out of stereotypes. Since these people think that most middle-eastern people are bad or somehow connected to terrorism, this creates a stereotype that I am labeled with. Another reason we got such a hard time is that our cultures did not match up. Even though we have similar values, the customs of Caucasians and Indians are obviously different. Many people in the suburbs that we saw probably did not understand my culture, so what they do not understand, they do not like. People still have stereotypes of Indians. They might think that we cannot speak English or that we smell. These stereotypes bring the Indians in a lower regard with the dominant culture. Why is it harder for black and white couple to be accepted by society rather then an Indian and a white couple? This particular question can be answered in many ways. One of the many reasons is that social standards are set in our community that base blacks down the totem pole. Blacks have been discriminated against from the start of slavery and to this day in some rare cases. The dominant culture has looked down upon blacks because of their skin color for many generations. This is cause for the dominant culture to look down upon blacks. When it comes to Indians, some white people perceive Indians as somewhat semi-British. Whites are less prone to be against a relationship with an Indian person. It is more accepted for Indians to date white people because the dominant culture holds Indians in higher regards than blacks. It is because of biased thinking that this notion came into being. After everything, people are still not open to other ideas or beliefs. Even though the dominant culture puts out an invisible border, that border is becoming more visible with stereotypes that are put out there. This invisible border is displayed by their actions when they see interracial couples. They make it more difficult for these couples to be together. Other things like September 11th added to this invisible border in me and Michelles case. What this means is that the majority of our society will be closed minded to interracial dating. What it also means is that the racial lines will be erased if these couples get married and have children. The dominant culture wants to keep the races separate. In relating my experience with Michelle in that suburb, I felt like we should not be together as a couple. The reactions I got made me feel like I did something wrong. It is this feeling the invisible border is suppose to bring to me. I realized this only in the end. It is up me to decide who I date. It should be the concern of the two people that are dating and not the society.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Solid waste management the most important element constituting the environmental health
Solid waste management the most important element constituting the environmental health Abstract Solid Waste Management is perhaps one of the most important element constituting the environmental health and sanitation of urban developing sector. The management system has several components which are integrated as well as interdependent thus the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire system is affected when any of its functional component fails or does not perform up to the level mark of operation. Karachi metropolis has been growing in population and expanding in area since mid 1800s. The present estimated population has reached over 18 million with approximate daily generation of solid waste reaching quantities up to 9000 tonnes. There are 18 municipal administrative divisions (TMA) and in addition 4 cantonment areas in Karachi which are responsible for managing solid waste in their respective jurisdictions. Prior to administrative devolution (2001) Karachi Municipal Corporation (KMC) was responsible for the management of solid waste of the entire city. It is estimated that nearly 80% of the municipal solid waste is being collected and transported to the two designated disposal sites as proper sanitary landfill sites are yet to develop. Hence there has been an improvement in the waste collection and transportation system since 90s when only 2/3rd of the municipal waste was managed. The transportation mechanism is through garbage vehicles using either hauled or fixed container system employing crew for mechanical or manual loading. The number of garbage vehicles is inadequate and due to comparatively long haulage to disposal sites there are certain problems of frequent vehicular maintenance and high fuel costs. The role of informal sector in collection of waste from streets and removal of recycling items from the solid waste stream is significant. However this unaccounted component needs to be acknowledged and integrated in the formal solid waste management system. Hospital waste is another significant component to have environmental and health impact on the urban society. In Karachi around 30% of the total MSW may be regarded as of hospital origin out of which 0.6 tons per day is infectious. At source segregation practice is exercised at most hospitals and laboratories with few large private and public hospitals having their own in-house disposal facilities, incineration units. City district government has also facilitated centralised incineration operation for public and private hospitals (health care units) through private contract having a capacity of 1000 kg/hour. Improvement schemes have been proposed for Karachi solid waste management system. There is a need to adopt engineered approach in the redesigning of existing system such as; community bins and receptacles have to be designed and constructed for adequate storage capacities according to the generation rates, collection frequencies and safety requirements to control disease vector, over spilling and check unwanted access of waste-pickers. In most of the towns street sweeping operations have been mechanised and done by machinery operated by vehicles. Construction of Garbage Transfer Stations (GTS) at number of locations within the city will cut the cost of transportation of waste to disposal sites as long haulages will be reduced. Material processing, recovery of recyclables, compaction, volume reduction, and increase in density will enable transportation of waste to disposal sites / landfills via long vehicles (bulk transport), minimising transport/traffic and environmental pollution re lated issues. Development of disposal sites into proper sanitary landfill sites are being considered and appropriate budgeting and planning is underway. Integration of informal (micro level) and formal (macro level) waste management system is envisaged to be a plausible working solution for an efficient and sustainable system achieved through integration of primary collection system and waste recycling adopted from informal system. It may be concluded that solid waste management system is undergoing a change over time due to constructive approach, positive policy and decision making. However more concrete steps are to be taken beyond planning stage. The impact of SWM on the environment and aesthetics of Karachis urban scenario have been significant due to growing and expanding city and also owing to administrative transformations occurring over decades. The shortcomings in the SWM system of Karachi are being gradually met and it is envisaged that if the political will is sustained it will soon meet its present requirements as well as shall be able to cater the future demands of the city. Introduction The title of this research paper is very profound, diversified and intricate when addressed particularly in context to the demographic features of the Karachi metropolis, quantities and characteristics of solid wastes, the prevailing issues of management system and practices of solid waste disposal in the city. Though it is difficult to encompass and comment on all the aspects in detail but an attempt has been made to highlight the most critical issues and recommend possible measures for improving the existing solid waste management system. Statement of the Research Problem Solid waste management (SWM) is an integral component of urbanisation and infrastructure development of cities and becomes more essential and critical in the domain of mega cities which are rapidly growing and expanding. The planning and design of solid waste management system which comprise of its components; storage, collection, transfer, transport, processing and disposal requires detailed studies, extending from physical surveys, demographic and socioeconomic data collection, solid waste generation estimates and characterisation analyses, various options for processing and disposal and finally technical and financial analysis for implementation and operation of the system. The present study is limited to defining basic components of SWM system that are functioning in Karachi. The problems and issues of the existing SWM of Karachi need to be identified with the suggestions of possible solutions for the improvement in functioning and effectiveness of the system. Hypothesis The hypothesis of the issue of solid waste management of Karachi can be expressed as sustained deficit in meeting the physical requirement of resources due to unprecedented growth in urban population resulting in uncontrolled and increasing quantities of solid waste continuously requiring restructuring of the management system, procurement and reallocation of physical and human resources and development of infrastructure which has not yet been achieved due to lack of priority and financial constraints. Significance of the Research The paper provides an overview of the general aspects of solid waste management in urban sector. The case study of Karachi shall be discussed in context to the functions of the SWM components and their infrastructure in effective removal and disposal of solid waste. The issues and problems associated with the management, operations and policy making is highlighted which will be significant to serve the purpose of this research document as well to serve as a baseline for further research in the area. Research Methodology The adopted methodology is simple yet comprehensive in defining and achieving the objectives of the research. The research statement has been laid so as to address the problem, issues and objectives of the research study. The scope of the study has been clearly delineated based on the objectives of research. A brief review of relevant literature encompassing scope and its research has been undertaken leading to identification of paramount issues with an analytical approach to problem solving in solid waste management. The conclusion outlines remedial measures, solution and recommendations for an integrated approach to Solid Waste Management in Karachi. Historical Background and Existing Scenario A substantial increase in the solid waste production, particularly municipal solid waste (MSW) has been observed over the past few years from nearly 6,600 tons per day in late 90s to 9,000 tons/day of solid waste being generated in the city of Karachi in 2005 (KSDP 2020). For over a half century, Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) has been administering the management of municipal solid waste of Karachi. After the devolution of the administrative structure in August 2001, the above service fell under the City District Government of Karachi (CDGK). Solid Waste Management within the City District is the combined responsibility of CDGK, the Town Municipal Administrations (TMAs) and Union Councils. Present City District Government Karachi (CDGK) has 18 towns and altogether 178 union councils. Each union council is responsible for providing waste collection services to an average of 9,500 households which is considered to be an ideal load for the management of municipal solid waste efficiently and effectively within its jurisdiction. In addition, the Cantonment Boards, Karachi Port Trust and Pakistan Steel Mills carry out their own waste collection and transfer. The key agencies responsible for collection are the TMAs, who either use their own equipment or contract private sector operators in managing and operating the primary collection system. In many low income areas community based organisations (CBOs) are active in collection from households and transfer of MSW to community bins or katchra kundi. Also in many areas sweepers are operative and have organised to collect garbage from residences, neighbourhood and communal streets. Few high-income areas have house-to-house colle ction organised by appropriate garbage vehicles that transport refuse to disposal sites. There is an average population of about 560,000 coming under town administrations that are responsible for collecting and transporting solid waste to designated landfill site. District government is liable to provide and develop landfill site(s) for the city of Karachi at appropriate locations. It should also manage and operate those sites. Presently, there is as such no sanitary landfill site for Karachi. Only couple of designated pieces of land have been allocated for dumping of solid waste on daily basis. The CDGK is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the two official open disposal sites at Jam Chakro and Gond Pass each 35 km from the city centre. Any landfill developmental activity or standard sanitary operation practice on these dumping sites is yet to be carried out. it is estimated that of the total household solid waste generated daily within the City District around 4,500 tons is lifted and of this, not more than 2,000 tons makes it to one of the two designated city landfill sites actually open dumping sites. The remainder is either recovered for recycling (an estimated 1,500 tons per day) or is disposed of by burning or by illegal dumping into open drains or onto roadsides or open land (an estimated 1,400 tons)[1]. It is estimated that some 55,000 families depend on the informal solid waste recycling industry for their livelihood and with more than 1,000 operating units that the industry is worth some Rs 1.2 Billion per annum[2]. Hospital (infectious) wastes are co-disposed with the regular solid waste stream. The availability of incineration facilities is on a very limited scale hence most hospital waste is co-disposed with general waste, representing a significant health risk. Onsite incineration facility is available in 3 to 4 major hospitals operating in public and private sector. However CDGK has facilitated collection and incineration facility to hospitals through private contractor(s) operating at one or two incineration plants[3]. Literature Review Concept of Solid Waste Management The source of waste; the producer, its generation; quantities, volumes and characteristics of wastes all are essential to determine and critical for the designing, planning and operation of solid waste management system. Definition of Solid Waste It includes all types of semi-solid and solid waste arising due to human or animal activity as well as due to natural calamity(s) that is useless / undesirable / unwanted or regarded as discarded material requiring removal and subsequent disposal. Usually if not removed from the source of generation or disposed off properly may of potential hazard to environment (life and property). Waste is a relative term i.e. for one it may be useless or unwanted but for someone it may be a useful item (a commodity recovery, reuse, recycling) Defining Solid Waste Management It is the integration of various activities associated with solid waste into well defined and coordinated manner to optimise the use of human, physical and economic resources and to prepare for the future needs. Solid waste management are the principles and practices comprised of effective management tools applied to different components of solid waste processes which include; collection, storage, transportation, treatment and safe disposal. A comprehensive definition of SWM may be given as: It is a discipline associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing, and disposal of solid wastes in a manner that is in accord with the best principles of public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics, and other environmental considerations, and that is also responsive to public attitudes. There are a number of concepts about waste management which vary in their usage between countries or regions. Some of the most general, widely-used concepts include: Waste hierarchy refers to the 3 Rs reduce, reuse recycle, which classify waste management strategies according to their desirability in terms of waste minimization. The waste hierarchy remains the cornerstone of most waste minimization strategies. The aim of the waste hierarchy is to extract the maximum practical benefits from products and to generate the minimum amount of waste. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) is a strategy designed to promote the integration of all costs associated with products throughout their life cycle (including end-of-life disposal costs) into the market price of the product. Extended producer responsibility is meant to impose accountability over the entire lifecycle of products and packaging introduced to the market. This means that firms which manufacture, import and/or sell products are required to be responsible for the products after their useful life as well as during manufacture. Polluter pays principle (PPP) is a principle where the polluting party pays for the impact caused to the environment. With respect to waste management, this generally refers to the requirement for a waste generator to pay for appropriate disposal of the waste. Hierarchy of Solid Waste Management in Karachi Metropolis As defined above waste hierarchy means classification, according to the facet of desirability, of waste management strategies. The strategies could be to reduce waste or to reuse, recovery waste or intention to recycle waste, the 3 Rs of waste management. Another recent strategy is to rethink or review the present system for an improved system. Whatever the classification, the main and sole object of waste management is to treat and dispose waste completely or minimize it from the environment, to safeguard the health of the community. Concurrently, the supplementary object is to extract maximum benefits from the waste by turning it in to a useful product. In case of Karachi these elite goals are still to be defined and strategies laid as the primary task of cent percent collection of solid waste and its disposal i.e. providing waste management services to entire metropolis area is yet to achieve. Waste Source Reduction and Segregation No information from official sources is available on this subject. There is no scheme launched by the solid waste management department of the district government to promote waste reduction of municipal solid waste at household level neither citizens are encouraged to segregate the waste into recyclables or non-recyclables at source. However public in their own interest for some financial gain with collaboration and cooperation of informal sector domestic commercial waste producers segregate and sell their disposable or recyclable waste items to door-to-door collectors kabadis. Similarly, industries sell and dispose their waste to middle dealers and recyclers. Also a large volunteer force of waste pickers on mobilised on streets is operational as scavengers. These are mainly self employed labour of Afghan origin who collect recyclables from streets, community bins and open areas on daily basis sale to middle dealer to onward sale to recyclers. Hence a very strong system of waste rec overy from general solid waste stream and subsequent recycling exists in the informal sector which is playing its part in the management of solid waste and reducing the burden on the overloaded formal sector of SWM but unfortunately its role has neither been recognised nor acknowledged. Integrated Solid Waste Management System It is a methodology for solid waste management applied to all of the activities associated with the management of societys waste. The term integrated implies that the activities are interdependent and inter-related so as to formulate a comprehensive and effective waste management system. Integrated Solid Waste Management may be defined as: It is the selection and application of suitable techniques, technologies, and management programmes to achieve specific waste management objectives and goals. The basic aim of the integrated solid waste management is to manage solid waste in a manner that meets public health and environmental concerns and the publics desire to reuse and recycle waste materials. Hierarchy of Integrated Solid Waste Management A hierarchy (arrangement in order of rank) in waste management can be used to rank actions to implement programmes within the community. The integrated solid waste management hierarchy used may be sequenced as; Source reduction, Recycling, Collection Waste transformation and Disposal ISWM programmes and systems should be developed in which the elements of hierarchy are interrelated and are selected to support each other. The Functional Elements of Solid Waste Management. The Functional Elements of a Waste Management System may be classified as those activities which take place within the system to meet the targets and objectives defined for the effective management of the solid waste. The components are those which are acquired and or physically developed (work force, infrastructure facilities, resources, etc.) to facilitate the functions of the SWM system. The typical functional elements of SWM in an urbanised developed sector may be listed as follows: Waste generation Waste handling and separation, storage and processing at source Collection Separation and processing and transformation of solid wastes Transfer and transport Disposal Waste Generation It encompasses activities in which materials are identified as no longer being of value and are either thrown away or gathered together for disposal. It is important in waste generation to note that there is an identification step and that this step varies with each individual waste. At present waste generation activity is not very controllable, however, it is expected that more control will be exercised over waste generation in future. As already mentioned that waste generation phenomenon is dependent upon the demographic characteristics of town or city particularly the changing demography i.e. the population due to growth and expansion with modernisation and urbanisation process. Solid Waste Generation in Karachi In case of Karachi the devolution of city administration in towns though ease off the administrative bottle necks to certain extent particularly in context to management of public services but with solid waste management which is more or less demographically controlled system the magnitude of the problem is not much reduced. It would therefore be appropriate to present the generation rates municipal solid wastes of different towns of Karachi in perspective of their respective populations for certain year of study and projected likewise. As established the quantities of solid wastes depend upon the demographic characteristics and its composition is highly variable factor attributed to socioeconomic features as well as waste management practices. The overall composition of solid waste determined at household level is given as follows: Estimated Per Capita Waste Generation Rate in Karachi According to survey carried out in 2005 waste generation rate is estimated as 0.3 to 0.5 kg/capita/day. It is to be understood that generally the waste generation rate depends upon a number of factors such as: Income level of waste producer Socioeconomic and living style Festive occasions Waste management policies and programmes Awareness education about environment and waste concerns Sources of waste generation in Karachi In case of Karachi, sources of waste generation may be categorized as under: Domestic Commercial, Green wastes Hospital Industrial The types of wastes or garbage generated are: household, commercial, institutional and street sweepings. On the basis of nature of waste it is classified as degradable (organic), non-degradable (recyclable / non-recyclable). The estimated figures given in the SWM document of Karachi Master Plan 2020 draft report 2005 are as follows: Major markets where organic waste is generated are: Vegetable market: 100 ton per day, Empress market: 70 tons per day High-income localities generate garbage: Organic Waste: 60% Garden Waste: 12% Recyclables: 8% Low-income localities generate garbage: Organic Waste: 40% Garden Waste: 5% (max) Recyclables: 15% The solid waste generate that is recovered at; Household level, Community bin level (prior to transfer / transportation) and Disposal site Waste Handling and Separation, Storage and Processing at Source Waste handling and separation involves the activities associated with management of wastes until they are placed in storage containers for collection. Handling also encompasses the movement of loaded containers to the point of collection. Separation of waste components is an important step in the handling and storage of solid waste at the source. The best place to separate waste materials for reuse and recycling is at the source of generation. Processing at the source involves activities such as compaction and yard waste composting. Collection Collection includes not only the gathering of solid waste and recyclable materials, but also transport of these materials, after collection to the location where collection vehicle is emptied. This location may be materials processing facility, a transfer station, or a landfill disposal site. In small cities, where disposal sites are nearby, the hauling of wastes is not a serious problem. In large cities, however, where the haul distance to the point of disposal is often greater than 15 miles, the haul may have significant economic implications. Where long distances are involved, transfer and transport facilities are normally used. Collection and Transportation of Solid Waste in Karachi Stages of collection of garbage is from house hold to community bin sites, (kachra kundi) and then to disposal sites. This is done in the following ways: Stage 1: From house MSW is collected by private sweepers and resident brought to temporary storage / communal waste transfer facility i.e. community bins. Stage 2: From dust bins municipality vehicles transfer and transport solid waste to disposal sites OR to unofficial dumping ground (Primary transportation, 2-3 trips a day which by definition are long trips) Problem Analysis This is the most uneconomical way of SWM because the haulage is extraordinarily long and several vehicles have to make this long trips several times a day. Hence due to shortage of infrastructure and physical human resources with handling of large quantities of waste required the SWM becomes inefficient in handling, transporting and disposing waste effectively. The following problems arise in Karachi in primary collection: Poor attendance of sanitary workers. Estimated number of employed sanitary workers employed in CDGK is 12000. Gradual decrease in number of community bins (4100), as a large number of garbage containers Katchra Kundi are in the workshop for repairs. Haphazard accumulation of garbage on streets, in open spaces and in drains. Uncollected waste usually finds it way in sewers, is eaten by the cattle, or left to rot in the open, or burnt on roadsides 15 to 20% garbage vans remain out of order. Total number of waste vehicles estimated is 560. Landfill sites are situated at long distance ranging from 10 to 70 km (up down) Hardly 300 to 400 trips of garbage vehicles are off loaded daily at landfill sites out of 1500 trips. Transfer and Transport This involves two steps; the transfer of waste from the smaller collection vehicle to the large transport equipment, and the subsequent transport of the wastes, usually over long distances, to a processing or disposal site. The transfer usually takes place at a transfer station. Although motor vehicle transport is most common, rail cars and barges are also used to transport waste. The two systems for transfer and transporting solid waste through roads comprises of hauled and stationary container system. Transfer and Transport of Garbage in Karachi Past Experiences In mid 90s an experiment of using train carriages was done for hauling MSW of Karachi by the name of Garbage Train project. The project was launched by defunct KMC in 1995-1996. Garbage from Saddar, Lyari and other adjacent areas was brought to Wazir Mansion Railway station for onward transportation to Dhabeji through railway. The system ran for about 4 to 5 months. Rs 27 Million were spent on the project. The system failed due to: High charges levied by railway authorities Wagons provided by the railway authorities were obsolete (not in good service condition) No proper infrastructure for loading unloading of garbage could be developed at transfer stations. Processing and Recovery of Solid Waste It includes the recovery of separated materials, the separation and processing of solid waste components, and transformation of solid waste that occurs primarily in locations away from the source of waste generation. The types of means and facilities that are now used for recovery of waste materials that have been separated at source include kerbside collection, drop off, and buy back centres. The separation and processing of wastes that have been separated at source and the separation of commingled wastes usually occur at a materials recovery facility, transfer stations, combustion facilities, and disposal sites. Processing often includes the separation of bulk items, separation of waste components by size using screens, manual separation of waste components, size reduction by shredding, separation of ferrous metals using magnets, volume reduction by compaction and combustion. Transformation processes are used to reduce the volume and weight of waste requiring disposal and to recover conversion products and energy. The organic fraction of MSW can be transformed by a variety of chemical and biological processes. The most commonly used chemical transformation process is combustion which is used in conjunction with the recovery of energy in the form of heat. The most commonly used biological transformation process is aerobic composting. The selection of a given set of processes will depend on the waste management objectives to be achieved. Processing of Organic Waste in Karachi An experiment A compost plant was established in the early 80s by a private contractor in North Karachi which remained operative for a short period and then was closed down due to following reasons: Supply of non-segregated refuse, gradually damaged the plant. Heavy operational losses. Gained favour during import of plant machinery and also acquisition of land for installation of the plant, as such there was not much financial stake of the contractor was involved. Deployment of untrained and unskilled staff. Non-cooperation from the municipal administration (informal sources). Disposal of Solid Waste It is the final functional element in the solid waste management system. Nowadays, the disposal of wastes through landfill or land-spreading is the ultimate fate of all solid wastes, whether they are residential wastes collected transported to a landfill site, residual materials from materials recovery facilities (MRFs), residues from the combustion of solid waste, compost, or other substances from various solid waste processing facilities. A modern sanitary landfill is not an open dump; it is an engineered facility used for disposing of solids on land or within the earths mantle without creating nuisances or hazards to public health or safety. Landfill or more specifically sanitary landfill is an engineering term, which may be defined as: An engineered facility developed on a designated piece of land that principally receives waste as a fill over a period of time until the designated area is fully utilised. The development and operation of facility is usually cost effective while maintaining appropriate health, safety and environmental standards. Sites for Solid Waste Disposal in Karachi Only two official landfill sites available and are in use in the city are: Jam Chakro near Surjani Town (500 acres) Gondpass near Hub river Road (500 acres) In addition to the above two marked sites, CDGK also acquired Dhabeji Landfill site (3000 acres) through notification of 2006 for the purpose of landfill operations in 2007 but the operations could not commenced due to administrative and financial constraints. Earlier the project of the Transfer and Disposal of Karachi City through Garbage (Kachra) Train started in mid 90s which used open and closed cargo wagons to transfer collected MSW from garbage transfer station (Wazir Mansion) hauling it to Dhabeji site for open dumping / disposal. The project was also not successful and ceased due to administrative issues and financial
Thursday, September 19, 2019
affirmative action Essay -- essays research papers
Affirmative Action Affirmative Action, policies used in the United States to increase opportunities for minorities by favoring them in hiring and promotion, college admissions, and the awarding of government contracts. Depending upon the situation, â€Å"minorities†might include any underrepresented group, especially one defined by race, ethnicity, or gender. Generally, affirmative action has been undertaken by governments, businesses, or educational institutions to remedy the effects of past discrimination against a group, whether by a specific entity, such as a corporation, or by society as a whole. According to the Merriam-Webster New World Dictionary, Affirmative Action is defined as an active effort to improve the employment or educational opportunities of members of minority groups or women. To put that definition in English, it means a program designed to help either minorities or women achieve equal rights, as with the rest of the population. In this case, the minorities are being discussed, or to be less broad, the African Americans. â€Å"I have a dream today.†This is a famous quote by one of histories most famous and influential civil rights activists of all time, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Being a civil rights activist, Dr. King wanted nothing more than for his people, the African Americans, to have equality. In the effort to gain equality, there were four steps he took. The first step was the collection of facts. In other words, this meant that they would identify t...
Protagonists Montresor and Fortunato in Poes The Cask Of Amontillado E
Protagonists Montresor and Fortunato in Poe's The Cask Of Amontillado Poe's story "The Cask Of Amontillado" introduces two protagonists, Montresor and Fortunato who were friends. The encounters the two men had was hatred and revenge that turned to murder on the behalf of Montressor. The encounter for Fortunato was the appearance of his naivety but he encountered a deadly consequence. Montressor was an angry but proud man who felt that the was wronged. His "vowed revenge"(Sipiora 240) was made and the execution was implimented in the catacomb vault of his home. Montressor's deep hatred for Fortunato was due to Montressor's feeling of deprivation of being "rich, respected, admired, beloved, you are happy, as I once was"(Sipiora 241-242). He was also envious of Fortunato's being a wine connisseur that readily bought wine whenever he wanted as well as being a member of mason. Montressor considered himself a "skillful"(Sipiora 240)connisseur and "bought whenever he could"(Sipiora 240). Yet, Montressor felt Fortunato was "resposnsible for his loss of status, happiness, love and res...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Platos Allegory of the Cave - Its Importance in Todays World Essay
Plato's Allegory of the Cave - It's Importance in Today's World Our society so values education that sociologists have recognized the problem of "over-education" (Hadjicostandi). Many people are spending years pursuing degrees which they simply do not need for the jobs they perform. It is therefore prudent for students to question whether pursuing a liberal education is really as important as our society believes. What is the point of a college education? Does it have any purpose beyond its material benefits. Are these benefits worth their cost? These are important questions that need answering. In the end, we may see that there is far more to this debate than simple accounting. Perhaps what makes education worth pursuing is that it gives us the freedom to makes these kinds of decisions about what is best for us. In many ways, this debate over education has its roots in the writings of Plato (Jowett). In Book VII of The Republic, Plato discusses such topics as enlightenment, epistemology, forms, and the duties of philosophers. The rhetorical styles which he employ are those of the dialogue and the allegory. The dialogue takes the form of a discussion between Socrates and Glaucon, while the allegory serves as a concrete illustration of the abstract ideas which Plato talks about (Jacobus, 444). Let us examine this "Allegory of the Cave" in more detail. In it, Plato asks the reader to imagine human beings living in an underground den. [where] they have been from childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and [there is] a low wall. [with] men passing along the wall carrying all sorts of vessels, and statues a... ...nough to catch a glimpse of the light shinning at the mouth of the cave. When he has once seen the light, he will immediately embark upon a lifelong journey to reach it. Works Cited Hadjicostandi, Joanna. Module 13: Education and Medicine. Introduction to Sociology. 1 May, 2006. . Jacobus, Lee A. A World of Ideas. 7th Edition Boston: Bedford/St. Martins. 2006. Plato. The Apology of Socrates. The Internet Classics Archive. Retrieved 2 May, 2006. . Plato. The Republic. Trans. Jowett, Benjamin. Cleveland, Ohio: 1946. Plato. 2006. Wikimedia. Retrieved 1 May, 2006. . Plato's Allegory of the Cave. 2006 Retrieved 1 May, 2006. . The Matrix. Dir. The Wachowski Brothers. Perf. Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishburne. 20th Century Fox, 1991. Thoreau, Henry D. A World of Ideas. 7th Edition. Ed. Lee A. Jacobus. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins. 2006.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Project Approach: A Key for Better Learning Essay
The Project approach type of learning presented by Sylvia Chard is an effective tool to use in the learning place. This approach allows students, especially the younger ones, to develop a wide range of learning and have a thorough understanding on different things which they encounter in their everyday lives. The said approach promotes the use of a specific topic which is most likely relevant to young children. Although there is a vast of topics in which the teacher can choose from, it is important to consider that the topic to be chosen should be of significant to the learners. Topics to be used must be link to other areas of study. In adapting the said approach, a teacher must first understand that this approach is a means to supplement and provide the children with contexts for applying the skills they learn in the more formal parts of the curriculum. A more concrete, local and specific topic is best to be used on younger learners. The teacher must however note the differences between a topic and a theme. Distinction between these two concepts should be clear. A topic defines a more exact area of study than the so called theme. Having a vague idea between the two concepts may lead to poor teaching and may cause confusion to children in the classroom. An educator must also note the distinction between a project and a unit because these two concepts are sometimes used interchangeably. As to any approach in the teaching process, it is imperative for a teacher to first understand the depth and the concerns of the process. Before implementing a project to young children, the teacher should assess and have a clear idea on what he would like to portray to his students. Initial planning and used of tools such as the topic web would be beneficial. Considering planning before starting the project would lead to a more organized manner of teaching. Furthermore, consulting other teachers on the prepared project would help one to improve his project. Application of the project approach in the learning place would bring a lot of benefits if properly executed. This approach develops a learner’s capability to think critically in analyzing the topic presented. They will be more likely to raise their opinions and questions regarding the topic presented and tend to find solutions and justification by collaborative working with other children and their teacher. And as opposed to the systematic approach of teaching, the project approach encourages active participation of the children because this addresses their proficiencies instead of their deficiencies. Knowing the nature of young children, they are more encourage and motivated if the teacher would acknowledge their accomplished works. In addition, this approach would also promote active participation of children in the learning place and would therefore make the discussion to be more lively and interactive. Reference Chard, Sylvia C. (1992). The Project Approach: A Practical Guide for Teachers. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta Printing Services.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Comparison between Life of Pi and Brave New World Essay
The heroes, Piscine Molitor Patel in â€Å"Life of Pi†by Yann Martel, and John in â€Å"Brave New World†by Aldous Huxley view their fears as an obstacle that they must overcome. Both heroes were faced with immediate challenges in their life. Through challenging their fears, personal or community morale benefits from their perceived success. In such a way, the hero’s success manipulates the situation as the feared become afraid. Each hero battled their fear differently and thus discovered a hidden truth behind the challenge they were faced with. John was born into his fear. He had no say or no choice. He had to find the positive out of every situation throughout his life. â€Å"Never put off till tomorrow the fun you can have today. †John did what he could to service happily with himself. Adversity was a struggle for him. His hidden truth was his ability to feel and show affection, of which no one was able to understand. This proved to be difficult for John being somewhat isolated. On the other hand, Pi was a quick and decisive learner. His fear was conquered through his self-determination. Fishing and taming Mr. Parker (the tiger) revealed much of his hidden truth. Pi revealed, â€Å"The presence of God is the finest of rewards. †To him, it was as if his fear now became the feared. Pi was rewarded with self-empowerment. With the conquering of the hero’s fears, different aspects of their lives were affected with their efforts. Individually, Pi was rewarded. Pi quoted, â€Å"Can there be any happiness greater than the happiness of salvation? †This can be related to the Warden from â€Å"Shawshank Redemption†saying, â€Å"Salvation lies within†. For Pi this meant he had the power in saving himself from any terrible circumstances. Being considered an anti-hero, John did not necessarily individually benefit from his fight against his fear from the world state itself, but he may have influenced others who might possibly follow his path. As for John, he believed suicide was an option under his situation, â€Å"Ending is better than mending. †He finally decided there wasn’t a way in changing the â€Å"New World†in which he committed suicide. In an effort to impact his fear, he was able to potentially influence others, like a domino effect. As this was easily the most feared situation the world state could be faced with. With the hero’s efforts, personal and community morale benefited. No matter the aspiration, change for the better will occur. As my mother has always told me, â€Å"Everything happens for a reason. †In both situations, Pi and John found a way through their fears, and influenced themselves and others as the feared are now the afraid.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Review on My Name Is Khan
To write a review about a film which contains not only the magical combo of Shahrukh Khan-Kajol-Karan Johar but also something different from melodramatic love story or usual remake of hardcore commercial film is pleasurable. My Name Is Khan has a excellent point to a class of audience who likes to watch Shahrukh Khan in a different characteristic. But the film does not show the excellence enough to get a perfect worship from all audiences and critics.In the movie Rizwan embarks on a touching journey and gets the true recognition of his love,love for Mandira_we reveal a simple but touchy characteristic of an ordinary man’s love,we go through an extra ordinary journey. The movie has some points for which it can be appreciated. Firstly, though such story is not brand new but it has a fresh and own style of presence. Though it can not pass through the mark, made by movie like Forrest Gump but the point is it is not bullshit in any sence. MNIK also gives you a massage and create a different and sometime authentic feelings while you are watching.Secondly,the script makes you feel for the character. It is not Shahrukh Khan,it is Rizwan Khan for whom you will think. It is not chiffon sarees or bubbly dialogue for which you will adore Kajol,it is Mandira. It is a woman who really reflect the motherly affection, a loving and caring wife. Thirdly, the tempo of the movie. It has many subplot but they are quite interesting. It’s an exceptionally relevant to a concept-the unity of nations is of paramount importance, We are all coming together to fight for a common cause – called humanity.Everyone knows that terrorism has no religion and it will never have a religion. As a film, it tries to show social responsibility and the character tries to fulfill that from their position. Though the specificity of activities is not beyond question. Fourthly, the movie can clear it’s idea. It’s not all about a disabled man’s fight against disabil ity. It’s a disabled man’s fight against the disability that exists in the worldâ€â€terrorism, hatred, fighting. My Name is Khan is also about Islam and the way the world looks at Islam but it not takes any sides.It only tries to say that there are only good people and bad people. There are no good Hindus, bad Hindus, good Christians, bad Christians. Either you are a good person or a bad person. Religion is not the criterion, humanity is. Fifthly, all the actors and actresses has done well. Specially Shahrukh-Kajal combo has got another dimension in bollywood after this movie. Kajal has done very well. Her maturity is used very consciously. We get Shahrukh in a new and pleasant avatar after Chak De! India and Swades. Zarina Wahab is very good as Rizwan’s mom.Thanks Shahrukh for making the character more closer to the audience. Yes we can say he can act. Sixthly, the director has used the complexity and complication provoked by rational and regional aspect th ough it is not totally agreeable in some sense. Moreover sometimes there are many reasons behind any happenings like- 9/11, which can not be described so easily. Moreover, Indian Film Indusrtry don’t have the trend to take a risk by making film relevant to such touchy issues though films like New York ,Kabul Express,Main hoon Na had made.But they were not totally focused. I am not telling that MNIK is all focused but it has got some solid point to relate with a serious issue. Use of metaphorical shot is also notable. Specially Rizwan holding poster-Repair Almost Anything headlined is a brilliant one. This stands for a meaningful thought. The narrative style of story telling and blending past time and present time is good but continuity error like showing objects which don’t match with the time showed in the movie is not expected.The narrative style may influenced by The Shawshank Redemption and Godfellas. The ending is quite good but it may be more gothic and more auth entic. The journey of Khan may be showed more smartly in accordance with happenings as sometime it has feel us melodramatic. Cinematography is worthy off a hand of applause, specially using the background and wide angle shot. Editing is fine. Thanks Ravi K. Chandran (director of photography) and Deepa Bhatia (editing) Shankar-Ehsan-Loy has done a great job both in soundtrack and background score.Thanks to the lyricist(Niranjan Iyengar and Javed Akhtar) The songs such as â€Å"Noor-e-Khuda†blend western bar blues and techno sounds with Indian classical styles such as Sufi and Hindustani. The soundtrack is thus representative of the â€Å"indie fusion genre†. Unlike Karan Johar's other films, this film has no lip-sync songs. All the songs are in background. â€Å"Tere Naina†is a good one. In short The content of My Name Is Khan is diametrically opposite to whatever Karan Johar done in the past. My Name Is Khan is â€Å"not all about terrorism, or 9/11.Itâ€℠¢s about a relationship between two people, between an individual and the State, and between an individual and the country. In short, there the three important components: love story, Islam and a mild form of autism. You can watch it. Sometime it is impressive, dramatic, a little bit slow, inspiring, may be controversial but enjoyable too. The pick up line is – There are only two kinds of people in this world. Good people who do good deeds. And bad people who do bad. That's the only difference in human beings. There's no other difference.
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